Top 5 choices to play Green Lantern

The beautiful thing about Hollywood is that they often have the ability to say,” whoops … our bad … do over” and try again in the form of a reboot. When DC announced it’s slate of movies the one that stood out to me is that they have plans on making a Green Lantern Corps movie. It seems as if DC is trying to right the wrongs of the first movie. So as favor to the DC folks I have decided to give you 5 actors who I think that they should consider for the lead role.

5.Christopher Walken

Yep, you heard me right Christopher Walken. Maybe I’m a little biased but doesn’t he just make every movie just a little better than it could have been ?Christopher Walken will literally do any project that is offered to him if he has time . The guy actually has a role in Joe Dirt 2 and if that doesn’t tell you that he’s open minded then I’m not sure what will. Can’t you just see him saying to some rouge aliens (Walken voice) “you must be aware of ….. Green Lantern’s …. light”

Don't Hate! He could be good. (:
Don’t Hate! He could be good. (:

4. Hector Elizondo

When I first started dating my wife, I remember her telling me that she thought Hector Elizondo was in every move. I thought right away that was crazy but as time has passed I now can say she’s on the money. You can literally turn on your TV right now and play Hector roulette and find a movie with Hector Elizondo in it. So why not have the guy who’s played everything from a chief of medicine at a Chicago hospital to the chief of security in Genovia play Green Lantern?

We've all seen this guy in the movies.
We’ve all seen this guy in the movies.

3. Kellan Lutz

Okay, my first real choice for the role is Kellan Lutz. Green Lantern needs to have a certain chiseled look which would fit Lutz perfectly. I don’t necessarily think you need the world’s greatest actor playing the title role but you do someone who can hold his own. Remember the movie is focusing on the Green Corps not just on the character Green Lantern. Our very own Matthew Sardo talked to Kellan and he’s apparently attached to a superhero film. Could he have been talking to the next Green Lantern?

Could Kellan be the next Green Lantern?
Could Kellan be the next Green Lantern?

2. Tyrese Gibson

A self-confessed super fan of Green Lantern, he not only has the body but the acting chops to pull of the role. Plus he has been dropping hints left and right on social media that he is in the running for the role. Casting Tyrese would be an out of the box choice that I would be completely on board with. I think that chances are truly high that Tyrese is cast as John Stewart in the 2020 reboot of Green Lantern.

This just looks too perfect to me
This just looks  perfect to me.

1. Chris Pine

Could Captain Kirk be in line take on the role of John Stewart/Green Lantern? I think that he won’t be playing the role of John Stewart as that will be taken by Tyrese Gibson. I think that Chris Pine will be cast in the movie as Hal Jordan/Green Lantern in the 2020 reboot. I’m calling it right now, we are going to have two Green Lanterns. This is not unfathomable as the Green Lantern corp is not just one person but multiple people playing the role of intergalactic police.

Could he be teaming up with Tyrese?
Could he be teaming up with Tyrese?
Dewey Singleton - Film Critic
Dewey Singleton - Film Critic
I'm a member of the Broadcast Film Critics Association and have been doing reviews for many years. My views on film are often heard in markets such as Atlanta, Houston, and satellite radio. My wife often tolerates my obsession for all things film related and two sons are at an age now where 'Trolls' is way cooler than dad. Follow me on twitter @mrsingleton.