Bryan Singer recently announced on Periscope and Collider that he will be releasing an extended cut of his most recent X-Men: Days of Future Past. The extended cut, subtitled Rogue Cut, will come out on July 14, which is the 15th anniversary of the original X-Men film.
Aside from being 17 minutes longer, Singer also said there would be some additional boys features on the new cut. Writer Simon Kinberg also told Collider a little about the extended footage, which is heavy on Ian McKellan and Patrick Stewart:
“It was like, ‘What would it be like to have Patrick and Ian on a road trip together?’ And that was kind of, you know, it got condensed as I wrote it and then when we shot it, but it was just a sub-plot. It was a perfectly good sub-plot and people will see it one day, and Anna was great in it and it was well-directed; it just didn’t serve the overall story. And it didn’t, it never did, it was created outside the core story. As a result, when you watched the movie, you were like, ‘Why are we on this detour, on a movie that already has two time periods, two types of Sentinels, 10-12 main characters, just as a lark?’ And so it ended up getting cut.”
Personally, I have never been able to connect with the X-Men franchise as much as other comic adaptations, but X-Men: Days of Future Past was a much more complete and compelling film from top to bottom. I would like to see what an additional 17 minutes in the Rogue Cut does to the pacing and overall quality of the movie.
What are your thoughts?