It’s easy to look past Toby Jones sometimes. He’s blended into the background of some great films, and starred in some quiet indies, and he’s never been anything but great in whatever capacity is required. Judging from this trailer for Kaleidoscope, Jones is front and center and pretty unhinged.
This looks like a heavy dose of Hitchcock imagery, maybe some Lynch sprinkled in, with a little bit of early Polanski to top things off. Check it out:
Here is a synopsis from Birth.Movies.Death:
Co-starring Anne Reid and Sinead Matthews, Kaleidoscope is said to be an intense, twisty thriller that unfolds in the darkest corners of a man’s mind. Recently released from prison, mild-mannered Carl (Jones) quietly attempts to move on with his life. Just as he embarks on his first date in 15 years, Carl’s fresh start is shattered by the sudden reappearance of his domineering mother (Reid), whose presence awakens within him a deep-seated trauma. What unfolds is a brain-warping puzzle as reality and illusion, past and present collide and explode in violence.
This looks pretty unnerving, and it looks like a great thriller for genre fans. Toby Jones rarely gets to cut loose, so this could be an exciting moment of catharsis worth seeing.
Kaleidoscope opens December 8 in select theaters and on VOD.