Daddy’s Home 2 is one of the more unlikely sequels of 2017. And that’s saying something. The first seemed like just a thing that came and went, but apparently it made OVER $150 MILLION at the box office so here comes the second one.
The big sell here, oddly enough, is Mel Gibson, the surly “man” father for Mark Wahlberg’s character. In this trailer, he really just kind of laughs at Will Ferrell crashing into things. Check it out:
Father and stepfather Dusty and Brad join forces to make Christmastime perfect for the children. Their newfound partnership soon gets put to the test when Dusty’s old-school, macho dad and Brad’s gentle father arrive to turn the holiday upside down.
Honestly, some of this looks funny. It does feel like the physical antics will get pretty tiresome. Seriously, how many different things and places does Ferrell crash into? But hey, let’s see what Mel Gibson has, right? Although that creepy “your dad is hot” joke directed at Gibson feels kind of gross. This ain’t your dad’s Mel Gibson.
That being said, John Lithgow as Ferrell’s dad is about the most perfect casting choice all year.
Daddy’s Home 2 will open November 10, just in time for an awards season push.