Aaron Sorkin, who wrote is known for writing The Social Network, A Few Good Men, Moneyball, and Steve Jobs, has scheduled meetings with DC and Marvel.
Admittedly, he’s not a comic book fan, but Sorkin claims it’s because he has never been exposed to the medium.
Read his comments on the matter below.
“I happen to have meetings coming up with both DC and Marvel. I have to go into these meetings and tell them as respectfully as I can that I’ve never read a comic book. It’s not that I don’t like them. It’s just that I’ve never been exposed to one. So, I’m hoping that somewhere in their library is a comic book character that I’m gonna love and I’m gonna wanna go back and start reading from the first issue on.”
If Sorkin were to write for either a DC or Marvel property, what characters or storylines should he tackle? Comment below, let us know!
If anything further between Sorkin and the companies develops, Monkeys Fighting Robots will have it covered.