Sofia Coppola’s first film in four years, The Beguiled, is a psychosexual period thriller with one helluva cast. The film is a remake of an obscure 1971 thriller starring Clint Eastwood, and the subject matter is right in Coppola’s wheelhouse.
Check out this fantastic trailer:
The synopsis is the same as the original film:
While imprisoned in a Confederate girls’ boarding school, an injured Union soldier cons his way into each of the lonely women’s hearts, causing them to turn on each other, and eventually, on him.
What a cast! Colin Farrell, who continues to push the envelope and redefine what people initially thought of him back in the day, is the deceptive soldier, and Nicole Kidman, Elle Fanning, and Kirsten Dunst are members of the boarding school. Coppola wrote the screenplay, based on the novel by Thomas Cullinan.
Coppola’s last film, The Bling Ring, came and went without much fanfare, but it is worth a look for anyone interested in the toxic nature of fan culture. The Beguiled feels like a long lost cousin of her dark feminist revolt pictures, a la The Virgin Suicides.
The Beguiled has a prime release date, June 30, but let’s wait and see just how wide of a release we’re getting here.