Young Han Solo Movie To Start Filming January 2017

With Star Wars: Episode VIII currently in the process of filming and Rogue One: A Star Wars Story about to start re-shoots it’s not surprising that more Star Wars news continues to come forward. In an interview on Atlantic Business Chronicle Lawrence Kasdan did an interview that talks a lot about the young Han Solo movie and the future of the Star Wars series.

When asked if fans should be excited about the young Han Solo movie Kasdan said “Oh, I think so! You know, Chris Miller and Phil Lord are going to direct it. They’re great, funny and imaginative and we’ve had a great time together. My son [Jon] and I wrote the script and Chris and Phil are working on it and they’re about to move to London to start shooting in January. And it should be fun.” He also goes on to confirm a 2018 release date and that the movie will be out before Episode IX.

The interview was done when Kasdan won the AJFF Icon Award which “honors exemplary artists who have upheld the tradition of artistic excellence in film, informed directly or indirectly by a Jewish subject or sensibility, and who inspire preeminence in filmmaking worldwide.” He talks about working on the screenplay with his son Jon and his involvement with the rest of the Star Wars series. It’s a great interview.


I’m still not sure if a Han Solo movie is the best direction to take the anthology Star Wars movies but from a business perspective it makes sense.

Kaitlyn Booth
Kaitlyn Booth
Kaitlyn Booth is a writer, film critic, comic lover, and soccer fan based in Salt Lake City. She has covered such events as the Sundance Film Festival, San Diego Comic Con, and New York Comic Con and been a special guest and panelist at Salt Lake Comic Con and FanX. She has a deep fondness for female superheroes and independent film.