‘Snatched’ Movie Review: The Good, The Bad, And The Amy Schumer

Amy Schumer & Goldie Hawn Shine In The Hilarious ‘Snatched’

You could hear the groans going into ‘Snatched‘. Some critics weren’t too excited for the insane romp starring Amy Schumer and Goldie Hawn. By the time everyone left the theater, each critic was smiling! That’s probably my favorite thing about this film; it defies expectations and delivers just the right jokes.

Check out all things good, bad, and Amy Schumer about ‘Snatched‘!



The Good:

Honestly, this movie had no right being this damn funny. The timing of jokes are executed with precision and each gag is wackier than the previous. It started off bumpy with plenty of “eye-roll worthy” jokes but once the action started, the comedy never stopped.

The supporting cast isn’t as strong as it could be but there were two shining stars. The small time you saw Chris Meloni playing a faux Indiana Jones is delightful. While Joan Cusack doesn’t utter a word in the film, she walked away as one of the best things. Even the agoraphobic brother played by Ike Barinholtz earned plenty of laughs.

The Bad:

There are some tired tropes in comedy that just won’t go away. From the comedy screenplay scapegoat of the main character being dumped/fired to kick off the plot to the corny heart-to-heart midway through…you could write this film in your sleep. The formula seems obvious but it doesn’t stop fans from enjoying.

While the movie wants to point it out a few times, Amy Schumer’s character Emily is the most generic white girl ever. The movie features cliches but her entire character is a walking cliche. There’s nothing of substance about her character so her “redemption” doesn’t feel earned. The whole “Instagram obsessed” character feels dated already.

The Amy Schumer:

Snatched‘ could do wonders for Amy Schumer. 2015’s ‘Trainwreck‘ is an enjoyable film, it feels like an extended sketch from Schumer though. ‘Snatched‘ is a different style of humor for her as it’s drenched in slapstick comedy. That Amy Schumer humor seeps through when you get jokes about dog whistles mistaken for a rape whistle but the physical humor turns up to 100. Changing up her brand of comedy will not only shake-off naysayers but open the door for various comedy gigs.

One of the only negatives about Amy Schumer in ‘Snatched‘ is the fact she’s not as strong as some of the other actors. While her jokes land, some of her less humorous moments feel very flat. Even though Goldie Hawn hasn’t acted since 2002, she still outshines every cast member in the film. Pairing her with Schumer is both a negative and a positive.

Snatched‘ is directed by Jonathan Levine and written by Katie Dippold, Amy Schumer, and Kim Caramele. It stars Amy Schumer, Goldie Hawn, with Joan Cusack, Christopher Meloni, Ike Barinholtz, Óscar Jaenada and Wanda Sykes.

Will you see ‘Snatched‘? Let me know in the comments below!

The film opens nationwide on May 12th, 2017.

EJ Moreno
EJ Morenohttp://Vimeo.com/EJMoreno
Who is EJ Moreno? Is he a trained physician? No. Is he a former Miss Universe contestant? Possibly. With a bachelors degree in film and a love of pop culture, he brings an alternative view to the world of pop culture journalism. Follow him on Twitter @EJKhryst and check out his film work at Vimeo.com/ejmoreno