‘Rogue One’ Actor Riz Ahmed Enjoyed The ‘Star Wars’ Prequels

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story actor Riz Ahmed shared his thoughts on the controversial prequel movies. He made it known that, while he doesn’t enjoy certain elements like Jar Jar Binks, he appreciates the politics and serious tone.

“I did not have a massive problem with the prequels at all. There were some elements that stood out. Jar Jar Binks, I didn’t enjoy him as a character. But people had a problem with them because they weren’t broad and tough and cheek. I enjoy that. I enjoy the fact that it was about grown-up politics and the dissolution of the League of Nations and World War and the rise of fascism. I really enjoyed that, and I really enjoyed Clone Wars.


I really don’t see what the big problem is, to be quite honest. If all Star Wars movies were the same, it’d be boring. I hope each new movie adds a new dimension, and I think that’s certainly what Rogue One does.”

In many ways I agree with Amed. Whether you like the actual films or not, I think all Star Wars fans can appreciate the lore and story that Episode 1, 2, and 3 gave us.

What are your thoughts on the prequels? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.


Rogue One hits theaters on December 16.

Source: Screen Crush.

Aric Sweeny
Aric Sweeny
Monkeys Fighting Robots Assistant Editor-in-Chief. Along with my work here, I'm a staff writer for Enthusiast Gaming. I have a passion for entertainment media. Follow me on Twitter to talk all things pop culture!