Netflix announced Thursday morning the release of ‘Gaga: Five Foot Two’, an intimate and unfettered portrait of a year in the life of Lady Gaga. The documentary was also selected to premiere at this year’s Toronto International Film Festival. ‘Gaga: Five Foot Two’ will hit TIFF and Netflix on the same day, September 22.
“I had a rare opportunity to create a portrait of an artist with such an open heart and mind. I feel really lucky that Gaga trusted me and my vision,” said director Chris Moukarbel.
“I’m excited for people to really get to know the woman I work with every day. She’s one of the hardest working, most genuine, and truly hilarious people in the world,” said Lady Gaga’s manager Bobby Campbell.
About ‘Gaga: Five Foot Two’:
Filmmaker Chris Moukarbel (Banksy Does New York) pulls back the curtain to introduce the woman behind the performer, the costumes, the glitz and the glamour. Off-stage, in the studio, unplugged and at home, audiences get an unguarded glimpse at Gaga through a series of personal highs and lows and the culmination of a year’s emotional journey. From struggles with relationships to health issues, from finding solace in her inner circle to conquering her insecurities, Gaga: Five Foot Two navigates the divide between life as a superstar and life as an everyday woman.
The Netflix original documentary ‘Gaga: Five Foot Two’ is directed by Chris Moukarbel and produced by Heather Parry for Live Nation Productions, Bobby Campbell for Mermaid Films, and Moukarbel. The documentary is Executive Produced by Michael Rapino, Kim Ray, Lisa Nishimura, and Benjamin Cotner.
Are you excited for the Lady Gaga documentary? Comment below.