We know both Lex Luthor and Doomsday are appearing in the upcoming Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice, but is a third villain joining the party? It seems, according to a few rumors, a third big-time villain will be thrown into the fray to get the plot of Justice League moving forward.
Warning: Possible Spoilers Ahead!
According to a rumor over at Latino Review, Bizarro could be the third villain in Batman v. Superman. Theses all speculation right now, but Latino Review is typically at the forefront of rumors that come to fruition. Bizarro is a Superman clone who isn’t hindered by the moral fortitude of the Man of Steel. This could be interesting, but it could also muddy up the waters too much. Too many villains was a problem with Spider-Man 3 and The Amazing Spider-Man 2, and the trailer for Batman v. Superman haven’t been the most solid glimpses at the film thus far.
Devin Faraci of Birth.Movies.Death, who’s seen the shooting script for the film, also added a little ambiguous hint that Zack Snyder and Co. added what could be considered a fourth act to the film, so Bizarro truly does seem like a possibility.
We’ll see on March 25th.