In Today’s Unlikeliest News, Guillermo del Toro is Making a Michael Mann Documentary

Guillermo del Toro, whose fantastical films of monsters and robots and comic-book heroes, is making a documentary about Michael Mann, a precision filmmaker whose work – often of the crime thriller variety – exists in the real world, or some version thereof.

This is an odd combination, but Cannes spokesperson Thierry Fremaux brought up this news at the Lumière Film Festival, where he was presenting the director’s cut of Mann’s Heat. Del Toro has’t confirmed this, nor has Michael Mann, but it seems like a weird tidbit to throw out at a film festival if something isn’t in the works.

Nothing about the filmography of Guillermo del Toro and Michael Mann coincide, at least in front of the camera. Perhaps that is a great perspective for a documentary about the legend, who is currently trying to get a biopic of Enzo Ferrari up and running. The project has stopped and started a few times, with Hugh Jackman most recently attached after Christian Bale bowed out of the project.


Meanwhile, Del Toro has his romantic monster/fantasy The Shape of Water hitting theaters this December, just in time for a hopeful awards-season push. Stay tuned for any and all updates on this documentary, which sounds absolutely delightful for cinephiles everywhere.

Larry Taylor - Managing Editor
Larry Taylor - Managing Editor
Larry is the managing editor for Monkeys Fighting Robots. The Dalai Lama once told him when he dies he will receive total consciousness. So he's got that going for him... Which is nice.