Hugh Jackman has been in media blitz mode promoting his next film Pan, earlier this week Jackman suggested that Tom Hardy would make a good replacement as Wolverine. As we all know, Jackman will retire from the X-Men franchise after the third solo Wolverine film which is rumored to be based on the Mark Millar storyline ‘Old Man Logan.’ Adam Chitwood from Collider talked with Jackman about the third film and had a real nuts and bolts conversation about what is going in the mind of Jackman.
Jackman stated that he won’t start filming the project till the script is perfect.
“I’m saying ‘but’ and I’m sounding a little cagey because this is the last time I’m playing him, and I have just made the commitment to myself, really, and told everyone that until that script is perfect, until it is that perfect way to sign out, I’m not gonna start shooting. So that’s why I don’t wanna say ‘Yes’ for sure, because until Page 115, 120, whatever it is…,” said Jackman.
As a fanboy this next quote sounds great, the guy playing Wolverine wants to leave blood on the studio floor everyday. As a former sports reporter this comes off as catch phrase and the only thing that matters is the script or have we already forgotten X-Men Origins: Wolverine.
“I feel that I’m pushing harder than I’ve ever pushed before. I suppose the stakes just go up when you announce before your last season that this is your last season, you don’t want one game to not be your best… People ask me, ‘How are you gonna be able to let it go?’ To me the only way you can let it go is if you left blood every day on the studio floor,” said Jackman.
Jackman ends the interview with plan for filming and a glimpse into what he wants to accomplished with Wolverine 3 a.k.a. Old Man Logan.
“The ultimate plan is let’s start shooting next year… I’m starting the training, I’m starting the eating and mentally really preparing for it. It’s not just me, the studio as well—I’m trying to do something with this that’s a little special, a little different. I’ve got a very, very strong idea of what that is. I really have known for quite a long time how I want to finish this sort of odyssey that I’ve been on, this amazing journey. And I won’t let it fall anywhere in between. I won’t fall short of it,” said Jackman.
James Mangold is set to direct Wolverine 3 and Patrick Stewart has been cast as well, the film is scheduled for release on March 3, 2017.