Hugh Jackman Will Be Michael Mann’s ‘Ferrari’

Hugh Jackman will hop on Michael Mann’s long-gestating Ferrari biopic, taking over the part of the famous car designer from Christian Bale.

And speaking of long-gestating… this movie won’t even begin filming until next summer, but hopefully Jackman will stick around and follow through with the project. Bale previously dropped out because of concerns about the weight gain; the dude has done it so often in his career another puff up can’t be good for his heart.

Anyway, here is a little backstory on Mann’s Ferrari:

Ferrari is the drama Mann started in partnership with the late director Sydney Pollack almost 17 years ago. The film takes place in 1957, a year where passion, failure, success and death and life all collided in Ferrari’s battle for supremacy against rival Maserati.


It’s an interesting project for Mann. It’s been a long time since 2013’s Blackhat, a sometimes clumsy, occasionally brilliant crime drama. Seeing him in biopic territory once again should be worth the price of admission.

Joining Hugh Jackman is Noomi Rapace, probably as one of his wives. No other casting news is announced as of yet, but we will let you know of any updates. But remember, we have plenty of time before this thing hits theaters.

Larry Taylor - Managing Editor
Larry Taylor - Managing Editor
Larry is the managing editor for Monkeys Fighting Robots. The Dalai Lama once told him when he dies he will receive total consciousness. So he's got that going for him... Which is nice.