Guillermo Del Toro, who’s right in the middle of a victory lap on his horror romance The Shape of Water, has decided to tackle a noir remake, 1947’s Nightmare Alley, for his next project.
Aside from this remake, Variety also reports that Del Toro is also going to produce Scott Cooper’s next project, Antlers, a supernatural thriller. But, more importantly, Guillermo Del Toro is doing a NOIR FILM. For those unfamiliar with the original Nightmare Alley, here’s a brief synopsis from the same Variety report:
[T]he original movie starred Tyrone Power as an ambitious young con-man who hooks up with a female psychiatrist who is even more corrupt than he is. At first, they enjoy success fleecing people with their mentalist act, but then she turns the table on him, out-manipulating the manipulator.
It should be fascinating to see Del Toro tackle a straight noir thriller. He clearly has the DNA to tell such a tale; The Shape of Water flirts with those tropes, and certainly looks the part.
There’s no news as to a production or release date for Nightmare Alley. Also, Guillermo Del Toro projects have been known to appear and disappear without ever being made. Let’s hope this isn’t another rumor casualty.