First Critical Reactions to Christopher Nolan’s ‘Dunkirk’ Hit the Web

We are les than two weeks away from Christopher Nolan’s WWII drama Dunkirk hitting theaters, so that means it’s time for the early critical reactions. They came out today, and oh boy does this movie sound better than probably many expected.

Collider Frosty seems to be pleased with what he saw, claiming the film is “edge of your seat filmmaking :unlike anything he has ever seen. High praise. But wait, there’s more…


Of course, as with any film, see it for yourself and draw your own conclusions. But this should be a great sign for Nolan fans and for anyone who, like me, was left cold by the trailers to this point.

Not that Dunkirk looks bad, not by any means. But there is a cold detachment to the trailers, and it appears now that is simply Nolan keeping the truly impactful bits of storytelling under wraps. Most of the time, when reactions hit the internet, there are a handful of mediocre reactions to even the most celebrated films. This looks to be overwhelmingly positive from top to bottom, which is an
even greater sign.

I love some of these descriptions, mainly that there are large stretches of the film without dialogue. This speaks to me… pardon the pun.

Dunkirk will be released July 21, and over 130 theaters across the country will have it in 70 mm. It definitely sounds like you need to see it in this format if you can.

Larry Taylor - Managing Editor
Larry Taylor - Managing Editor
Larry is the managing editor for Monkeys Fighting Robots. The Dalai Lama once told him when he dies he will receive total consciousness. So he's got that going for him... Which is nice.