Chris Evans Says Avengers 4 Will Be His Final Marvel Film

Chris Evans’ days as Captain America are numbered.

What’s more, he’s agreed to do another Avengers movie, according to reports.

In an interview, the actor reveals Avengers 4 will be the last time he plays Steve Rogers. This comes after wrapping up Avengers: Infinity War as part of his six-film deal.


“I had six films in my Marvel contract, so I could have said after the third Avengers I was done,” he explains. “But they wanted to make the third and fourth Avengers films as a two-parter.”

Chris Evans

“They said they had so many other characters to fit in — Guardians of the Galaxy, Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Doctor Strange, Ant-Man — and couldn’t get them all into one movie.”

Evans reveals he did feel nervous before taking the role of Cap. It wasn’t typecasting, though.

“One of my biggest fears was that the movies were going to be good,” he says. “Because if things worked out, I’d have to do all six of them. And at the time, that was the most terrifying aspect of it.”

While Evans says this is the end, it does not mean he isn’t open to renegotiation. Plus, he’s done cameos in Thor: The Dark World and Spider-Man: Homecoming. As a side note, Sebastian Stan has six films remaining on his contract. Whether or not Bucky Barnes will become the new Cap remains to be seen.

Should Evans keep playing the role or move on? Will Stan wield the shield in the future?Share your thoughts!

Captain America: Civil War


Jonathan Bruce
Jonathan Bruce
I am an English teacher by day and a freelance writer at night. Specialities include news, reviews, opinion and commentary articles. When I'm not teaching, I participate in theatre, building sets and working stage crew as a hobby. I also enjoy reading and having an occasional glass of Scotch.