“Spider-Man: Homecoming” Gets Chinese Posters With PANDAS

Marvel had a bumpy road towards a Spider-Man: Homecoming marketing campaign that actually worked. However, once they settled on the now familiar “lounging Peter” pose, the film’s posters started working much better. Homecoming finally makes its way to China this September, and Comicbook.com has the iPhone style poster campaign to go with the Chinese release.

Spider-Man: Homecoming on Tour

Chinese posters for Spider-Man:Homecoming certainly capture the teenage Peter in all his glory. From cuddling with pandas to slinging a web hammock across the Great Wall, the collection screams “high school”. The first in the series is even a selfie, complete with iPhone screen controls.

We do not recommend attempting to duplicate any of these poses. Not even the panda one, no matter how tempting it may be.


After a strong debut weekend for the second Spider-Man franchise reboot, the film continued doing well both domestically and internationally. Homecoming hits Chinese theatres next month, and is expected to continue its success before Peter semi-officially joins the team in Infinity War.

Based on Marvel’s Spider-Man, Homecoming was co-produced by Marvel and Sony studios. The film stars Tom Holland (Peter Parker), Zendaya (MJ) Michael Keaton (Vulture) and Jacob Batalon (Ned). Check out any (or all) of our staff reviews for Spider-Man: Homecoming at Monkeys Fighting Robots.

Jen Schiller
Jen Schillerhttp://jenrose.writerfolio.com
Jen is a writer with a penchant for nerdy subject matter, and a nerd with a penchant for writing. She is into theatre, Disney, Harry Potter, books and her cats Sif and Dinah. She can be found all over the internet, or in your backyard catching Pokemon. Jen's favorite Batman is Adam West, and she can't be convinced otherwise.