Billy Dee Williams Returning For Star Wars Episode IX

Stop the press, the news is official.

Billy Dee Williams is returning to the Star Wars universe. Lando Calrissian will be back.

Billy Dee Williams


According to the Hollywood Reporter, the actor will appear in Star Wars Episode IX.

Williams’ return is hot off the heels of Lando’s role in Solo: A Star Wars Story. In that film, Donald Glover took over as a younger version of the character.

Borys Kit notes Williams’ “voicing Calrissian in various cartoon series and video games” shows his interest in returning to the franchise.

J.J. Abrams will direct the film. Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, and Adam Driver are reprising their roles as Rey, Finn, Poe and Kylo.

Episode IX will open on December 20, 2019.

Donald Glover Lando Star Wars
I have to admit, Glover does look like a young Williams. Maybe it’s the goatee….
Jonathan Bruce
Jonathan Bruce
I am an English teacher by day and a freelance writer at night. Specialities include news, reviews, opinion and commentary articles. When I'm not teaching, I participate in theatre, building sets and working stage crew as a hobby. I also enjoy reading and having an occasional glass of Scotch.