Ben Affleck Chimes In On Marvel vs. DC

As we near San Diego Comic Con, where DC is expected to dominate the news feed, the DC vs. Marvel debate is heating up. Ben Affleck, who will take his turn as Bruce Wayne/Batman in the upcoming Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice, has chimed in with his own opinion as to what differentiates the DC film universe from Marvel.

In the latest print edition of Entertainment Weekly, Affleck gave his thoughts on what makes DC different and better than Marvel, which has owned DC in Hollywood the last seven years. “It is more mythic, it is more grand in that way,” he says,” and it is a little more realistic,” said Affleck. “Just by their nature, these films can’t be as funny or as quick or as glib as Marvel movies.”

Affleck has a point, but thus far the mythic and deified qualities of the very infant DC universe hasn’t matched the fun and elation from the early Marvel films. however, now may be the perfect time for DC to jump ahead of Marvel. Avengers: Age of Ultron was hollow and forgettable for the most part, so a weighty and more substantial comic book film may be what audiences want. At the same time, Marvel’s upcoming Ant-Man sure sounds like another fantastic addition to a generally lauded series of MCU films.


Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice hits theaters next March.

Larry Taylor - Managing Editor
Larry Taylor - Managing Editor
Larry is the managing editor for Monkeys Fighting Robots. The Dalai Lama once told him when he dies he will receive total consciousness. So he's got that going for him... Which is nice.