Bad Robot’s Next Secret Project Involves The Supernatural, WWII

Ever since Bad Robot surprised us all with 10 Cloverfield Lane last year, there’s been news of another Cloverfield Universe flick on the horizon. And now, The Hollywood Reporter has  some cryptic info on their next film, which may or may not be tied to Cloverfield.

Black Mirror‘s Wyatt Russell and Jovan Adept from Fences will star. Here’s the synopsis:

They will star as American paratroopers dropped into enemy territory. As the approach their target, a Nazi-occupied village with a German radio tower, they realize that they are a part of something bigger than a simple military operation.

This absolutely sounds like a Cloverfield story. Super secret military operations involving the supernatural? Has to be it, right?


There also has to be more to the story here than this shady synopsis. The sting of a new film in this universe has already been watered down now that journos are on the case. They aren’t about to let another low-key sequel sneak up on audiences. Which is a shame.

Then again, this is Bad Robot we’re talking about. They always like to play games with fans, and I personally love it. What do you think? Is this the next Cloverfield film or no?

Larry Taylor - Managing Editor
Larry Taylor - Managing Editor
Larry is the managing editor for Monkeys Fighting Robots. The Dalai Lama once told him when he dies he will receive total consciousness. So he's got that going for him... Which is nice.