‘Alien: Covenant’ Set Photo Shows Michael Fassbender’s New David

New Body. New Do.

When we last left David, the android from Prometheus played by Michael Fassbender, he was a disembodied head helping Noomi Rapace’s Elizabeth Shaw escape the clutches of newly-evolved aliens. Sadly, Rapace won’t be reprising her role in Alien: Covenant, leaving Fassbender as the only connecting character between this and the first film.

And nobody expected David to just be a body-less head the whole time in Aline: Covenant, and this new set photo featuring Fassbender and director Ridley Scott might confirm a couple of things: David has changed his hair from blonde to brown (maybe he isn’t interested in Lawrence of Arabia anymore?), and he clearly has a new body attached to his noggin:


It’s hard to tell what sort of gear he’s wearing there in the background. And of course we’re all micro-analyzing one random set photo. It’s still fun to try and figure out the direction of this prequel sequel. The most disappointing thing about the movie right off the bat is Rapace’s absence from the shoot. This means she will almost certainly die off screen in between stories.

Alien: Covenant stars Fassbender, Billy Crudup, Katherine Waterston, Danny McBride (certainly alien fodder), and Demián Bichir. It will hit theaters August 4 in 2017.

Larry Taylor - Managing Editor
Larry Taylor - Managing Editor
Larry is the managing editor for Monkeys Fighting Robots. The Dalai Lama once told him when he dies he will receive total consciousness. So he's got that going for him... Which is nice.