Paul Greengrass is hopping aboard the Netflix train for his next film, the story of Norwegian terrorist Anders Behring Breivik, who killed 77 people in Norway back in 2011. Should be hysterical.
Here’s the Cliffs Notes version of the atrocities Breivik committed, from the Deadline report:
The horrific violence was inflicted by Anders Behring Breivik, a self described right-wing Christian extremist with a hatred for Muslims. He started the carnage by detonating a fertilizer bomb outside the headquarters of the prime minister that killed eight people. After that, Breivik dressed in a police uniform, took a short ferry ride to Utoya Island outside of Oslo, and methodically murdered teens attending a Labor Party Youth Camp as they tried to escape. The madman, who wrote a 1500 page manifesto critical of Muslim immigration and European liberalism that he was not permitted to read at trial, was sentenced to  21 years. That was the maximum possible sentence in a country that doesn’t have the death penalty.
So… holy shit.
Paul Greengrass has never shied from heavy material, and he tends to tell horrific stories with some class and appropriate tone. United 93 was especially tasteful given its harrowing subject matter.
As for this one, well, I’m not entirely sure who the audience is supposed to be here. Greengrass needs a comeback after the Jason Bourne misfire, and this could be it, but good lord who is eagerly anticipating sitting down for movie night with this one?
Besides me, I mean.