See Maggie Gyllenhaal, James Franco, and James Franco in Trailer for HBO’s ‘The Deuce’

The Deuce is HBO’s latest collaboration with Wire creator David Simon, and it tackles the porn industry in 70s New York. Not the most original of settings, but with Simon on board it’s worth at least a look. Plus, we get two James Franco’s.

This first trailer shows off the double dose of Franco, Maggie Gyllenhaal, and a stunning visual interpretation of the era. Check it out:


Here’s a detailed quote from Simon regarding the series:

[The Deuce is] roughly based on the story of the actual people who were there, some of the people that were the pioneers when pornography came out of the brown paper bag and became an open industry. Suddenly, a lucrative and provocative industry came out of nowhere soon to become a billion-dollar industry and a culture [impacting] right down to commercials to sell beer that became more and more overt right down to the sex education of a twelve-year-old with a laptop. We all live in a different world. There’s a cultural revolution here. But there is also a market story. It is a story about market capitalism and the rise of a new industry and what the world is like now when something is not supposed to be sold openly suddenly becomes legitimate and legitimized.

If I were to pick one television wheelhouse, this would be somewhere in it. That being said, I was fired up for Vinyl, a story set in a parallel 70s New York world, and that wound up pretty disastrous. And that was tied to Scorsese!

As for the Franco twin gimmick, let’s hope the experiment turns out better that Ewan McGregor in Fargo.

The Deuce will be here September 10.

Larry Taylor - Managing Editor
Larry Taylor - Managing Editor
Larry is the managing editor for Monkeys Fighting Robots. The Dalai Lama once told him when he dies he will receive total consciousness. So he's got that going for him... Which is nice.