‘Logan’: Black & White Version Coming To Theaters In May

Director of Logan, James Mangold, has confirmed that a black and white version of the film will be hitting movie theaters next month.

After the tweet generated curiosity among his audience, Mangold clarified in a later posting.


Are you planning to check out Logan in black and white? I know I’ll be heading to the theater on May 16.

“In the near future, a weary Logan cares for an ailing Professor X in a hide out on the Mexican border. But Logan’s attempts to hide from the world and his legacy are up-ended when a young mutant arrives, being pursued by dark forces.”

Logan stars Hugh Jackman as Wolverine/ Logan, Patrick Stewart as Charles Xavier, Dafnee Keen as Laura Kinney/X-23, Boyd Holbrook as Donald Pierce, Doris Morgado as Maria, Richard E. Grant as Dr. Zander Rice, Stephen Merchant as Caliban, Elizabeth Rodriguez as Gabriela, and others.

Down below, watch Monkeys Fighting Robots film critic EJ Moreno talk about Logan in his series, “About Last Night”.


Aric Sweeny
Aric Sweeny
Monkeys Fighting Robots Assistant Editor-in-Chief. Along with my work here, I'm a staff writer for Enthusiast Gaming. I have a passion for entertainment media. Follow me on Twitter to talk all things pop culture!