’99 Homes’ Trailer: Andrew Garfield, Michael Shannon Square Off In Sundance Thriller

The new trailer for 99 Homes, one of the hits of this year’s Sundance Film Festival, has been released, and it showcases Andrew Garfield squaring off against Michael Shannon in the midst of the 2008 housing crisis. If the trailer is any indicator, 99 Homes looks like a searing mixture of drama, emotional anguish, and powerful performances from all involved.

Here is the 99 Homes trailer:

Here is the official synopsis for 99 Homes:

“Set amidst the backdrop of the 2008 housing market catastrophe, Dennis Nash (Andrew Garfield), a hard-working and honest man, can’t save his family home despite his best efforts. Thrown to the streets with alarming precision by real estate shark Mike Carver (Michael Shannon), Dennis, out of work and luck, is given a unique opportunity—to join Carver’s crew and put others through the harrowing ordeal done to him in order to earn back what’s his. Delicately training his eye on the rigorous details, the reliably astute Ramin Bahrani imbues his characters with icy complexity to achieve his compassionate portrait of a man whose integrity has become ensnared within an all-too-relevant American crisis. With precision and care, Bahrani’s provocative character study applies all the cinematic tools at his disposal to explore the ethical dilemma at the heart of man’s struggle to reach higher—by whatever means necessary.”


The film definitely has a Gordon Gecko Wall Street vibe from Michael Shannon’s end, and it is always nice seeing Laura Dern on screen. Perhaps she is in line for a second consecutive Best Supporting Actress nominee after picking up one for last year’s Wild.


It’s also good to see Andrew Garfield back where he belongs, at least in my opinion, in serious dramatic roles. He was okay as Spider-Man, but the films were average at best, and Garfield showed some true chops in films like The Social Network and Never Let Me Go.

99 Homes, directed by Ramin Bahrani (Chop Shop, Man Push Cart), hits theaters September 25.

Larry Taylor - Managing Editor
Larry Taylor - Managing Editor
Larry is the managing editor for Monkeys Fighting Robots. The Dalai Lama once told him when he dies he will receive total consciousness. So he's got that going for him... Which is nice.