Woody Harrelson is the second “human” who has agreed to join War for The Planet of The Apes. The actor, who will play Lyndon Johnson first in an upcoming biopic, directed by Rob Reiner.
The only details surrounding the addition of Woody Harrelson, according to the report at Deadline, is that he will play a villain in the film. He joins Gabriel Chavarria as the only other human lead confirmed for the film. Certainly, Andy Serkis will return for the motion capture of Caesar, the leader of the ape resistance.
Matt Reeves is also returning to complete what will (hopefully) only be a new trilogy. The new Planet of the Apes saga has been a welcome surprise in the realm of reboots, remakes, prequels, et al. Dawn of The Planet of The Apes was a masterful summer thriller, and I expect War for The Planet of The Apes to be the same, if not more.
Adding Woody Harrelson definitely piques my interest even further.