
Review: ‘Amazing Spider-Man 2’ Andrew Garfield Owns The Character

Amazing Spider-Man 2 makes grown men remember why they love the character.

Amazing Spider-Man 2 is in theaters now and could be the best big budget comic book film to date. Yes, The Dark Knight is The Godfather of comic book films, but unlike Batman, Spider-Man inspires people and that’s exactly what Amazing Spider-Man 2 does. Director Marc Webb takes some core source material from the comics and does his best to make the film flow smoothly and respect the material at the same time.

The special and visual effects crew list below deserves 90% of the credit for why this Amazing Spider-Man 2 works. They recreated so many iconic scenes from the illustrated version of Spider-Man that to an ordinary person, seems impossible to turn into a live action film. Not to mention, the perfected visual form of Spider-Man is balanced out by the witty delivery of Andrew Garfield.


The scene from Amazing Spider-Man 2 that encompasses everything that Spider-Man is, happens in the first encounter with Electro, played by Jamie Foxx. Your friendly neighborhood web-slinger dons a firefighter helmet and hoses down Electro. The interaction with the firefighters is priceless. The film’s attention to detail on all the little things that make Peter Parker and Spider-Man are what makes Amazing Spider-Man 2 the best Spider-Man film ever.

Emma Stone is solid as Gwen Stacey and for most comic book fans, this is the first time we get to see the emotional bond between Peter and Gwen. Jamie Foxx has a difficult time playing the nerdy Max Dillon, but he owns Electro in the final battle. Dane DeHaan lucks out with a pleasant, non-forced reunion of Peter and Harry Osborn, but Harry’s transformation from good to evil does feel rushed. With all the characters running in and out of the film there was disappointment that Flash Thompson did not make a brief cameo.

Special Effects by
H. Barclay Aaris … special effects technician
Cris Alex … finishing: Iron Head Studios
Roland Blancaflor … special effects technician: specialty costumes
Lindsay Boffoli … special effects
Brian Clawson … finishing: Iron Head Studios
Joe Digaetano … special effects coordinator: second unit
Randy Fitzgerald … second unit coordinator / special effects foreman
Eric Frazier … special effects foreman
John Frazier … special effects supervisor
Will Furneaux … 3d modeller: Weta Workshop
Bruce D. Hayes … special effects foreman
Brent Heyning … effects engineering: Electro’s Costume
Pete Kelley … special effects technician: Ironhead Studio
John Kelso … special effects
James S. Little … senior effects technical director: Sony Pictures Imageworks
Joaquin Loyzaga … special effects technician: weta workshop
Ken Mieding … special effects assistant
Tim Phoenix … special effects
Jamie Rencen … special effects technician: weta workshop
Saphir Vendroux … matte paintings: MPC

Visual Effects by
Beverly Abbott … visual effects data coordinator
Aileen Acayan … stereoscopic compositor: Legend 3D
Rohit Agarwal … digital artist
Matt Akey … executive producer: Legend 3D
Troy Alexiadis … stereo artist: Legend 3 D
Maria Asim Ali … stereoscopic compositor: visual effects
Michael Alkan … senior technical director and look development
Ryan Andersen … visual effects editorial coordinator: Shade vfx
Valeria Andino … stereo conversion producer
Pat Antonelli … data wrangler
Kamran Arian … senior stereo compositor: Legend 3 D
Arsen Arzumanyan … previs artist
Neil Atkins … senior cloth/hair technical director: SPI
Priya Ayengar … lead stereoscopic paint: Prime Focus
Thai Bach … lighting and compositing artist
Richard Baker … stereo supervisor
Carlo Balassu … digital matte painter
Patrick Ballin … visual effects editor: SPI
Anthony Barcelo … senior compositor: MPC
Suzette Barnett … compositor
Tricia Barrett … digital compositor
Hernan Barros … stereo compositor
Peter Bartfay … stereo generalist
Geeta Basantani … senior compositor: Sony Imageworks
Lynn Basas … senior technical director: lighting: SPI
Gavin Baxter … maya fx dev lead
D.J. Becerral … stereo compositor: Legend3D
Ashley Beck … visual effects supervisor: Nerve
Paula Bell … roto prep supervisor
Richard A.M. Bell … senior technical director: lighting: Sony Pictures Imageworks
Jeff Benjamin … effects technical director
Prabir Bera … lead stereoscopic compositor
Andres Berkstein … fx td
Theodore Bialek … senior cg supervisor
Kunal Biswas … stereoscopic compositor: Prime Focus World
Brian Blasiak … senior lighting and compositing technical director
Michelle Blok … previs lead: The Third Floor
Lucian Boicu … compositor
Luke Botteron … vfx editor: mpc
Nathan Boyd … texture painter
Amelia Braekke-Dyer … stereoscopic conversion artist
Ian Brauner … previz animator
Dan Breckwoldt … lead compositor: MPC
Andrew Brittain … senior stereo artist
Steven Browning … cg modeler
Tom Bruno Jr. … senior layout artist: SPI
John Bunt … stereo artist
Thomas Calandrillo … louma crane operator: model unit
Sean Callahan … lead stereo artist: Legend 3D
Sarah Canale … stereo compositor: Legend 3D
Pete Capelluto … senior visual effects pipeline technical director
Francesco Capone … stereo technical director
Curtis Carlson … digital compositor: Sony Pictures Imageworks
Dan Carpenter … stereo compositor: Legend 3D
Taide Carpenter … associate production manager
Lashay Carr … production assistant: SPI
Owen Cartagena … stereo compositor: Legend 3D
Charles-Felix Chabert … effects animation lead
Nardeep Chander … effects technical director: SPI
Chandrasekhar … digital artist
Kee Chang … character pipeline technical director
Vikki Chapman … stereo production coordinator: prime focus film
John Abraham Chempil … visual effects artist
Jason Chen … on-set data wrangler
Jerome Chen … visual effects supervisor
Tiffany Cheung … stereoscopic compositor: Legend 3D
Tiffany Cheung … stereoscopic compositor: Legend 3D
Kristy Chrobak … stereo production coordinator
Benjamin Cinelli … senior character animator
Suzanne Cipolletti … post-visualization artist: The Third Floor Inc
Alex Clarke … environment lead: Moving Picture Company, Vancouver
John Clinton … visual effects producer
Seth Cobb … post vis artist
Miodrag Colombo … senior compositor (Sony Pictures Imageworks)
Stephanie Cooper … stereoscopic compositor
Bertrand Cordier … senior lighting TD: SPI
Tyler Cordova … visual effects coordinator
Dan Cortez … visual effects coordinator
Thomas Cosolito … senior production services technician
Jadrien Cousens … digital matte artist: MPC
Stuart Cripps … compositing lead & look development
Ryan Cummins … stereo compositor: Legend 3D
Andrew Cunningham … digital matte painter: The Moving Picture Company, Vancouver
Will Cunningham … crowd simulation consultant
Lisa Curtis … senior production services technician
Ryan Cushman … pipeline technical director
Anthony D’Agostino … digital compositor: The Moving Picture Company
Jayson Davis … stereo compositor: Legend 3D
Matthew DeJohn … stereo vfx supervisor: Legend 3D
Stanley A. Dellimore … global head of layout: MPC
Sarah Delucchi … post-visualization artist
Nigel Denton-Howes … sequence supervisor: Sony Pictures Imageworks
Julien Depredurand … senior technical director: Sony Pictures Imageworks
Christopher DeVito … previs artist
Mike Diltz … compositor: Sony Pictures Imageworks
Pete Dionne … DFX supervisor: MPC
Linda Drake … visual effects editor
Tom Duckett … stereo conversion artist – prime focus
Margaux Durand-Rival … previs artist: The Third Floor
Scott Eade … head of layout: MPC Vancouver
Noel Eaton … lead production services technician
Matthew Eberle … visual effects data wrangler
James Eggleston … senior stereo compositor
Brandon Endy … data wrangler
Joe Engelke … digital compositor
Scott Englert … software engineer
Derek Esparza … senior character animator
Edwin Fabros … texture painter
Lawrence Fagan … spydercam flight control
Andrew Farris … compositor: Legend 3D
Dan Feinstein … digital compositor: Sony Imageworks
Juan Carlos Ferrá … stereo compositor
John Fielding … postvis artist
Brian Fisher … lead compositor
Marilyne Fleury … lead matte painter: MPC
Kristy Lynn Fortier … associate production manager
Max Frankston … VTR effects: action unit
Simon Fraser … stereoscopic production coordinator
Josh Fritchie … visual effects coordinator
Shu Fujita … visual effects coordinator
Martin Furness … senior simulation technical director: Sony Pictures Imageworks
Robin Garcia … visual effects coordinator
James Gardiner … stereoscopic compositing td: prime pocus
Jesus Garrido … digital compositor: MPC
Alec Geldart … matte painter
Kevin George … environment artist: MPC
Adam Ghering … compositing supervisor: Legend3D
Pooya Ghobadpour … visual effects artist
Bryan Godwin … visual effects supervisor: Shade VFX
Michael Gomes … technical animator
Claudio Gonzalez … cloth technical director
Erik Gonzalez … Lighting/compositing TD: SPI
Hanna Goodman … stereoscopic compositor
Marcus Goodwin … lighting department manager: MPC
Dylan Gottlieb … senior lighting and compositing technical director: SPI
Dhruv Govil … layout and pipeline
Oded Granot … digital compositor: Sony Pictures Imageworks
Luke Gray … technical director
Pasquale Anthony Greco … lead data wrangler
Rhonda C. Gunner … visual effects producer
John Haley … senior cg supervisor: SPI
Rose Hancock … previs production coordinator
Pascal Hang … previz character technical director
Patrick Harboun … modeling and texturing lead
Ben Harrison … assistant production manager: stereo conversion
T.C. Harrison … digital compositor: Sony Pictures Imageworks
Joseph Hayden … lighting & compositing technical director
Jason Hayes … stereoscopic compositor
Luke Heathcock … lighting artist: SPI
Chris Hebert … visual effects photographer
Benjamin Hendricks … stereographic supervisor: SPI
Mark Herman … visual effects editor
Suzanne Hillner … data wrangler
David Hipp … visual effects artist
Andrew Hofman … digital effects artist
Kim Hong Kyoung … stereoscopic painter: digital painter
David Horsley … effects animation / visual effects artist
Yuka Hosomi … compositor
Jeffrey John Howard … visual effects coordinator
Amanda Hui … visual effects coordinator
Chris Hung … lead lighting artist
Danny Huynh … stereo artist: Legend 3D
Amanda Hyland … stereo artist: Legend 3D
Albena Ivanova … stereoscopic compositor
Jason Ivimey … previs shot creator: The Third Floor Inc
Francesc Izquierdo … lead crowd technical director
Laura Jackloski … production coordinator
Phillip James … stereoscopic depth artist: Legend 3d
Quan Jiang … senior stereo compositor: Legend 3D
Michael Jimenez … stereo compositor: Legend 3D
Jake Jones … stereo compositor: Legend 3D
Dinesh K. Bishnoi … matchmove artist: The Moving Picture Company
Kareem K.H. … digital fx
Veronica Kablan … visual effects coordinator
Joey Kadin … resource specialist / systems administrator
Georg Kaltenbrunner … fx td: Sony Pictures Imageworks
Alihusen Kapadia … effects artist
Ranajoy Kar … lead digital artist: MPC
Henrik Karlsson … senior technical director: Sony Pictures Imageworks
Manickam Kathirvel … machmove artist
Tadaomi Kawasaki … Senior Digital Matte Painter: MPC
Miku Kayama … senior lighting and compositing artist
Chris Kazmier … senior effects technical director
Mark Keetch … modeller
Stéphane Keller … matte painter: mpc
Harimander Singh Khalsa … compositing supervisor: Shade VFX
Louis Kim … senior compositor (Sony Pictures Imageworks)
Marvin Kim … modeling supervisor
Seunghyuk Kim … senior effects technical director: Sony Pictures Imageworks
Taeyoung Kim … lighting technical director: MPC
Andrea Kistler … stereo conversion coordinator
Ranjith Kizakkey … matchmove and rotomation supervisor
Brian Kloc … lighting artist
Jamal Knight … digital compositor: Sony Pictures Imageworks
Alana Kochno … stereoscopic compositor
Rohit Korgaonkar … stereoscopic compositor
Anthony Kramer … compositing lead: Sony Imageworks
John Kreidman … digital producer: Sony Pictures Imageworks
Ross Krothe … senior look and lighting technical director
Sujay Kumar G. … matchmove artist: MPC
Ashwin Kumar … rotoscoping artist
Praveen Kumar … digital artist
Puneeth Kunnatha … stereoscopic paint artist
Aaron Kupferman … senior compositor: SPI
Amit George Kuruvilla … senior effects technical director: Sony Pictures Imageworks
Wing Kwok … digital compositor: SPI
Davide La Sala … senior character td
Charles Lai … digital compositor
Alison Lake … digital artist
Billy-Vu Lam … character animator
Pat Lun Lam … senior lighting technical director: Imageworks
Ganesh Lamkhade … digital artist
Annie-Claude Lapierre … visual effects coordinator
Kurt Lawson … digital compositor: Sony Pictures Imageworks
Cory Lee … lead digital compositor: Pixel Playground
Don Lee … visual effects supervisor: Pixel Playground
Jooyong Lee … senior compositor: MPC
Kim Lee … visual effects producer: Pixel Playground
Shun Sing Edward Lee … senior lighting technical director
Stephanie C. Lee … associate production manager
Suki Lee … digital matte painter
Pier Lefebvre … concept artist: MPC
Taylor Lenton … lighting td
Samuel Leung … lighting technical director: MPC
Letia Lewis … rough layout artist
Claudia Li … visual effects coordinator: MPC
Dominique Libungan … production assistant: Legend3D
Fernando Lie … stereoscopic paint artist: prime focus
Alexander Limpin … stereo compositor: Legend 3D
Kimberley Liptrap … senior lighting technical director: Imageworks
Bryan Litson … lighting lead
Marc Llorin … senior stereo artist
Troy Lochner … visual effects data coordinator
Jason Lodas … stereo artist: Legend 3D
Gary L. Lopez … stereo compositor
Justin Louis … visual effects
Melanie Lowe … environment technical director: Moving Picture Company Vancouver
Viktor Lundqvist … effects technical director: SPI
Angela Magrath … techanim head of department
Suraj Makhija … digital artist: MPC
Supreeti Mann … stereoscopic paint artist: prime focus
Mitchell Marciales … visual effects artist
Tyler Marino … stereo artist: Legend 3D
Sam Marks … visual effects coordinator
Dexter Matias … stereo artist: Legend3D
Sean W. Matthews … visual effects assistant
Christopher Lucas Maw … stereoscopic compositor
Brooke McGowan … stereo compositor
Raymond McLendon … senior production services technician
Gregory L. McMurry … visual effects supervisor
Kiran Medhekar … stereo depth compositor
Jesse Meler … stereo compositor: Legend 3D
Chris Messineo … visual effects
Brandon A. Miles … stereoscopic conversion
James Michael Miller … assistant production manager / visual effects coordinator
Alejandro Miranda Palombo … digital compositor
Jambunatha Mn … matchmove artist: The Moving Picture Company
Farhad Mohasseb … compositor
Jonathan Molcan … stereoscopic paint artist: prime focus
Alberto Montañés … digital compositor: Sony Imageworks
Sarah Moore … lighting & compositing: SPI
William Moore … interactive lighting designer
Frank Mueller … character setup lead
Michael Muir … digital artist
Thierry Muller … digital compositor
Frances Muthaiah … matchmove artist
Dileep Nadesan … digital effects
Hee-Chel Nam … digital texture artist: SPI
Hiroaki Narita … effects technical director
Salima Needham … digital compositor
Brian Neil … stereo compositor: Legend 3D
Avadhut Nerurkar … render wrangler/render support
Jarrod Nesbit … digital production manager
Adele Ng … visual effects lighter
Vinh Nguyen … digital compositor
Stephen Nixon … effects department manager: MPC
James P. Noon … tracking
Erik Nordby … visual effects supervisor: MPC
Barry O’Brien … stereoscopic supervisor
Meghan O’Brien … visual effects coordinator
Doug Oddy … visual effects producer (MPC)
Chris Olsen … pre-visualization artist
Hayri Safak Oner … software engineer
Kurian Os … pipeline technical director
Siegfried Ostertag … senior visual effects technical director: Sony Pictures Imageworks
Molly Pabian … digital production manager: Shade VFX
Gurpreet Singh Pannu … matchmove lead: MPC
Puja Parikh … head of department matchmove: MPC
Stephane Paris … CG supervisor: MPC
Taehyun Park … modeler
Ian Parra … digital compositor
Saurabh Patel … senior matchmove artist
Jason Pauls … stereoscopic production coordinator
Joseph Pepper … fx supervisor: Sony Pictures Imageworks
Angelica Perez … digital compositor
Eddie Perez … compositor
Scott C. Peterson … stereoscopic department manager: Legend3D
Sandy Phetchamphone … lead stereo artist: Legend 3 D
Brittany Piacente … stereo artist: Legend 3 D
Mairin Platt … animation coordinator
Stephanie Pocklington … digital modeler
Andrew Poole … visual effects production manager
Chris Preston-Barnes … stereo conversion coordinator
Dale Pretorius … environment technical director
Eren Ramadan … assets coordinator: MPC
Vinoth Ramalingam … matchmove artist
Sandesh Ramdev … digital compositor
Austin Ramsey … stereoscopic compositor: Legend 3D
Jason Ramsey … visual effects assistant
Ryan Ramsey … stereo compositor: Legend 3 D
Ambrish Rangan … senior matchmove artist: MPC
Thomas Ravi … visual effects artist
J. Robert Ray … software development
Robert Reategui … stereo compositor
John Rhoads … senior production services technician
Sam Rickles … visual effects artist
John Riddle … technical director: Shade VFX
Frank Ritlop … lighting technical director
Terrence Robertson-Fall … senior character technical director: SPI
Samantha Rocca … senior visual effects coordinator
Taylor W. Rockwell … senior visual effects coordinator
Rebecca Rose … previsualisation artist
Toby Rosen … effects animation technical director
Alejandro Rubio … stereo compositor: Legend 3D
Jason Ruitenbach … digital restoration
Katya Ruslanova … compositor: Sony Imageworks (as Ruslanova Katya)
Johnathan Sagris … stereoscopic paint artist
Matthew Sakata … stereo coordinator
Sean Samuels … digital artist
V. Samundeswari … Lead Roto/Prep: Moving Picture Company
Theodore M. Sandifer … compositor artist
Richard Sandoval … lighting & compositing: SPI
David Schaub … animation supervisor
Jacopo Sebastiani … previs artist: The Third Floor
Swati Shamsundar Malu … matchmove artist: The Moving Picture Company
Jeff Shapiro … visual effects accountant
Cameron Shepler … visual effects artist
Rick Shine … visual effects
Swain Shiv … visual effects artist
Mads Simonsen … previs artist: The Third Floor Inc.
Brian Smallwood … senior compositor: SPI
David A. Smith … digital effects supervisor
Jason Patrick Smith … previsualization supervisor (as Patrick Smith)
Ryan T. Smolarek … senior digital compositor: SPI
Sharmishtha Sohoni … senior ligthing and compositing technical director
Janani Sridhar … stereoscopic paint artist
Jason Stellwag … cloth & hair technical director: SPI
Jeff Stern … lookdev and lighting artist
Orde Stevanoski … compositing pipeline lead
Aaron Strasbourg … stereoscopic paint artist: Prime Focus
Joe Strasser … look development and lighting lead: SPI
Frederick George Stuhrberg … 3d scanning
Russ Sueyoshi … senior lighting and compositing technical director
Prapanch Swamy … senior technical director: lighting: Sony Pictures Imageworks
Albert Szostkiewicz … senior effects technical director: Sony Pictures Imageworks
Kaz Tanaka … color scientist
Ronen Tanchum … senior effects technical director
Taisuke Tanimura … senior software engineer
Marcus Taormina … digital production manager
Martin Tardif … senior lighting technical director: Sony Pictures Imageworks
Sunny Thipsidakhom … stereo artist: Legend 3D
Cameron Thomas … compositor: Sony Pictures Imageworks
Brian Thomason … stereo compositor: Legend 3D
Neil Thompsett … paint team lead
Will Towle … digital compositor
Ted Trabucco … lead stereo artist: Legend 3D
Jean Tsai … production services technician
Chris W. Tucker … stereo production coordinator
Marco Tudini … visual effects artist
Ryan Tulloch … lighting technical director: Sony Pictures Imageworks
Cosku Turhan … senior look development/lighting lead
Andrew Turner … visual effects coordinator
Simon Twine … compositor
Max Tyrie … animation lead
Mauricio Valderrama … compositor
Jelle Van de Weghe … previsualization artist
Leigh van der Byl … texture painter: The Moving Picture Company
David Van Dyke … visual effects executive producer: Shade VFX
Pieter Van Houte … senior compositor
Olivier Van Zeveren … digital artist
Mohit Varde … stereo compositor/elements QC artist
Amy Vatanakul … pre-visualization artist
Sreejith Venugopalan … compositor: MPC
Chris Waegner … CG supervisor
John B. Wallace … texture painter
Ryan Walton … previsualization artist
Jay Warren … visual effects producer: Colorworks
Bob Wiatr … senior digital compositor: SPI
Shane Christopher Wicklund … digital compositor: The Moving Picture Company
Wade Wilson … lead creature effects technical director: MPC
Jann Wimmer … digital resource manager
Sam Winkler … visual effects artist
Robert Winter … CG supervisor
Eddy Wolfson … stereo compositor
Megan Wong … visual effects coordinator: MPC
Gavin Wright … previs supervisor
Tyquane Wright … lighting and compositing: SPI
Elbert Yen … texture paint supervisor: SPI
Daniel Zamora … previs artist
Alyssa Zarate … digital matte painter: The Moving Picture Company
Joffrey Zeitouni … previsualization artist
David Zeng … visual effects artist
Yi Zhao … color & lighting technical director
Marteinn Örn Óskarsson … pipeline technical director
Nicolás Casanova … digital compositor: Legend 3D (uncredited)
Jonathan Harden … software developer (uncredited)
Anish Holla … senior production coordinator (uncredited)
Julie Liu … environment coordinator (uncredited)
Andrea Lackey Pace … executive director of production services and resources (uncredited)
Jeremie Passerin … rigger: Blur Studio (uncredited)
Lesley Rooney … texture artist (uncredited)
Daniel Tiesling … development specialist (uncredited)
Chris Tost … animator: SPI (uncredited)

Source: IMDB, just in case I missed anyone.

Matthew Sardo
Matthew Sardo
As the founder of Monkeys Fighting Robots, I'm currently training for my next job as an astronaut cowboy. Reformed hockey goon, comic book store owner, video store clerk, an extra in 'Transformers: Dark of the Moon,' 'Welcome Back Freshman,' and for one special day, I was a Ghostbuster.
Amazing Spider-Man 2 makes grown men remember why they love the character. Amazing Spider-Man 2 is in theaters now and could be the best big budget comic book film to date. Yes, The Dark Knight is The Godfather of comic book films, but unlike...Review: 'Amazing Spider-Man 2' Andrew Garfield Owns The Character