Here’s A New ‘Logan Lucky’ Trailer To Brighten Your Week

Steven Soderbergh’s return to cinema is only a few weeks away with Logan Lucky, a redneck heist movie that had a pretty amazing trailer a few weeks back. Now, we have another full trailer, and it is somehow even better than the first.

Check it out:



“The Logans are a hardscrabble family from the hills of West Virginia, and their clan has been famous for its bad luck for nearly 90 years. But the conniving Jimmy Logan (Channing Tatum) decides its time to turn the family’s luck around, and with a little help from his friends, the Redneck Robbers, he plans to steal $14 million from the Charlotte Motor Speedway.”

This looks like a total blast. Everyone looks like they’re having fun in these Coen-esque idiot savant roles, but Daniel Craig stands out to me more than anyone. Who knew he had this sort of performance in him?

Steve Soderbergh has been in the midst of one of the worst retirements of all time. He allegedly retired from the movies after his small thriller Side Effects in 2013. But then he followed up this announcement with the HBO movie Behind the Candelabra, the masterpiece Cinemax series The Knick, and he managed to produce dozens of films and TV shows in the meantime. Whatever the case, he is back, and everyone should rejoice.

Logan Lucky hits theaters August 18.

Larry Taylor - Managing Editor
Larry Taylor - Managing Editor
Larry is the managing editor for Monkeys Fighting Robots. The Dalai Lama once told him when he dies he will receive total consciousness. So he's got that going for him... Which is nice.