10 Best ‘Game Of Thrones’ Season 7 Moments

Game Of Thrones season seven has come to an end, and I don’t know about you, but that felt like the fastest seven weeks in the history of time. From destroying armies with Dragon fire to holding political meetings, this season of the HBO fantasy series has been one of the most epic so far, and with the season officially over and the long hiatus ahead, it’s time to start over-analysing the completed season. So without further ado, here’s Monkeys Fighting Robots’ favourite moments from the penultimate season of Game Of Thrones.

Also Read – REVIEW: ‘Game of Thrones’ S7E7 “The Dragon and the Wolf”

Note – This list contains our top ten moments from the season. Let us know what would make your top ten in the comments section below!


Daenerys Returns to Dragonstone

Game Of Thrones

Episode: “Dragonstone”

After years of watching and waiting, Daenerys has finally returned to Westeros and her ancestral home, Dragonstone. This is one of the most iconic scenes we’ve ever seen in Game Of Thrones, and seeing Daenerys kneel on the beach at Dragonstone was such a powerful and emotional moment.  The lack of music, sound, and dialogue made this one of the most memorable moments of the season, and that it was an excellent way to begin the end of this epic tale.

Read Our Review Of “Dragonstone”

Arya Killing The Freys

Game Of Thrones

Episode: “Dragonstone”

You might not know this, but Arya Stark is my favourite Game Of Thrones character and seeing her get revenge on the Freys was one of the best moments of the entire series. This scene not only solidified Arya’s “badass” status but showed how powerful Arya has become and displayed how destructive her ability to swap faces can be. Arya Stark can be anybody, anywhere and that’s both terrifying and amazing.

Read Our Review Of “Dragonstone”

Olenna’s Badass Death

Game of Thrones

Episode: “The Queens Justice”

While I’ve never been a massive fan of Lady Olenna, it undeniable that she had one of the best death scenes in the entire series. This is a character that has never kept her opinion to herself, so to see her gulp down that wine and finally admit to poisoning King Joffrey was one of the most enjoyable and satisfying scenes of the season.

Read Our Review Of “The Queens Justice”

Jon Snow Meets Daenerys Targaryen

Game Of Thrones

Episode: “The Queens Justice”

It’s the meeting we’ve waited seven seasons to see. The King in the North finally met the Mother of Dragons, and it was incredible. Having two of the shows most popular characters finally meet is obviously a big deal, and it was exciting to see how Jon and Daenerys would interact, and I’ve got to admit I loved the less than warm welcome Jon received. Throughout the scene, we were all wondering if Jon could sway Daenerys to his side or if Daenerys would simply kill the so called King.

Read Our Review Of “The Queens Justice”

Arya Stark vs. Brienne of Tarth

Game Of Thrones

Episode: “The Spoils Of War”

Over the course of the series we’ve seen Arya develop into a warrior, but it wasn’t until her match against Brienne that we understood how deadly and skilled Arya has become. This scene was not only amazing because of the sheer awesomeness of Arya’s skill, but the fact that Sansa and Littlefinger were watching, only made the moment greater. Also, it’s hard to deny that it was incredible to see Brienne learn that this young girl doesn’t need much protection.

Read Our Review of “The Spoils Of War”

Team-Up Beyond The Wall

Game Of Thrones

Episode: “Beyond The Wall”

Somehow, Game Of Thrones managed to bring some of the best warriors together and put them into one of the most surprising and badass teams we’ve ever seen. Fans called them the Avengers beyond the wall, and I’ve got to agree. Jon Snow, The Hound, Tormund, Jorah Mormont, Beric Dondarrion, and Gendry make one hell of a team. Not to mention, Daenerys riding in to save the day was one of the most incredible sequences in Game Of Thrones history and a great moment for every character involved.

Read Our Review Of “Beyond The Wall”

Viserion Is Resurrected

Game Of Thrones

Episode: “Beyond The Wall”

If you had told me at the start of the season that one of Daenerys’ Dragons would die and come back as an undead monster, I probably wouldn’t have believed you. But here we are. Not only did Viserion’s death come as a massive surprise, but his resurrection was even more shocking and depressing. Seeing the Dragons eye open again was possibly the most shocking scene of the entire season.

Read Our Review Of “Beyond The Wall”

Littlefinger’s Death

Game Of Thrones

Episode: “The Dragon And The Wolf”

This was one of the most satisfying deaths Game Of Thrones has ever delivered, and that’s saying something. Littlefinger has been one of the most irritating characters throughout the entire series, and while he had some pretty great moments, I was counting down the episodes until his death, and I wasn’t disappointed. Littlefinger’s pathetic exit was one of my favourite scenes of the season and not only because of the obvious reasons. This scene meant a lot for Sansa as a character and yet again showed her development into a powerful and unsympathetic leader. It was also really cool to see that it was Arya that put Littlefinger in his grave.

Read Our Review Of “The Dragon And The Wolf”

Daenerys Attacks The Loot Train

Game Of Thrones

Episode: “The Spoils Of War”

Over the seasons we’ve seen the Dragons do some cool stuff. They’ve killed animals, cooked meat, and murdered children but we’ve never seen anything like this attack. The assault on the loot train was one of the most epic moments in Game Of Thrones, and somehow, it was even better than any action sequence I could imagine. We’ve been told how deadly these Dragons can be, but until we saw this sequence and witnessed the destruction that just one of these animals can cause, it became clear how powerful Daenerys really is.

Read Our Review of “The Spoils Of War”

Destruction Of The Wall

Game of Thrones

Episode: “The Dragon And The Wolf”

While the final minutes of Game Of Thrones season seven weren’t the shows most surprising, it was incredibly fulfilling and exciting to see the Night King finally make his move and destroy the wall, with the help of his new friend/pet Viserion. Much like the loot train attack earlier in the season, this sequence proves that HBO isn’t afraid to spend money on the special effects. This sequence looked beautiful, and the resurrected Dragon was the highlight of the season. After seeing this episode and this scene, in particular, it’s starting to look like no human army can defeat the Night King.

Read Our Review Of “The Dragon And The Wolf”

Kieran McLean
Kieran McLean
I’m obsessed with all areas of film and pop-culture, whether that’s a hidden world of witches and wizards, a universe filled with superheroes or a galaxy far, far away.