The Best Casting Choices For Fox’s Doctor Doom Solo Film

Doctor Doom Deserves Only The Best Man Behind That Mask

Noah Hawley is getting a unique chance to reshape the perception of Fox’s Fantastic Four universe. At San Diego Comic-Con, the announcement that the Legion creator would be helming the film for Doctor Doom took the Internet by storm. Some fans hated the idea, while others cheered on Fox’s decision. The one thing that remained consistent on both sides of the fence is the need for a great man behind the mask.

Below are some of the actors that would make the best Doctor Doom.

Dan Stevens

Doctor Doom


– Around the time Noah Hawley’s Doctor Doom project was announced, Dan Steven’s name popped up. It’s not clear if he will be his Legion character or a character for Doctor Doom. His work on Legion is enough to show that he can be dark & twisted, but he also has regal qualities to him. Working on Downton Abby gives him enough posh elegance to pull off the cool, calm, collected side of Doctor Doom.

Wes Bentley

Doctor Doom

– Wes Bently doesn’t have box-office pull like others on this list. That could change with a fantastic Victor Von Doom performance. Bently’s work on TV and film stands for itself as a mix of maniacs and manic men. His piercing eyes and gruff voice fit the character very well. This role could also make up for Wes Bentley’s horrible performance as Blackheart in 2007’s Ghost Rider.

Jon Hamm

Doctor Doom

– At the core of his character, Jon Hamm’s Don Draper is Doctor Doom without the superpowers. Following his villainous turn in Baby Driver, it became even more apparent that he’s a perfect choice. Hamm looks great and has classic movie star appeal. He commands a screen and needs a real leading role in a Hollywood film. Just imagine the memes that this would create. Jon Hamm is the perfect choice for fans & the movie.

Karl Urban

Doctor Doom

– Something about this man is magnetic. He is technically part of the MCU as he’s in Thor: Ragnarok. That doesn’t mean Karl Urban still can’t be Victor Von Doom. Urban is a transformative actor that can become any character, and I don’t expect his MCU role to be lasting. Going over to Fox’s Doctor Doom solo film could becoming a career-changing moment for Karl Urban. This role can shake off a career as a supporting actor.

Nikolaj Coster-Waldau

Doctor Doom

– Nikolaj Coster-Waldau’s work on Game of Thrones is the perfect audition for any character. Even Gods of Egypt couldn’t stop a Hollywood career as Coster-Waldau collaborates with director Brian De Palma in an upcoming film. Taking a turn at Victor Von Doom is the right move for any actor, especially someone like Nikolaj Coster-Waldau who needs to break into another fandom.

What do you think of these choices?

Let me know who you want to play Doctor Doom in his first solo outing from Fox.

EJ Moreno
EJ Moreno
Who is EJ Moreno? Is he a trained physician? No. Is he a former Miss Universe contestant? Possibly. With a bachelors degree in film and a love of pop culture, he brings an alternative view to the world of pop culture journalism. Follow him on Twitter @EJKhryst and check out his film work at