Issue: Debris #1 Writer: Kurtis J. Wiebe Pencils: Riley Rossmo Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: 7/25/2012
Mature Readers
In the far future, humanity has doomed planet earth to rot and decay, covering her surface with garbage. Now, ancient spirits called the Colossals rise from the debris and attack the remaining survivors, forcing the human race to the brink of extinction. One warrior woman, Maya, sets out to find the last source of pure water to save the world before the monsters bring it all to an end.
Story: 8/10 • Artwork: 8/10 • Overall 8/10
[singlepic id=1020 w=320 h=240 float=right]The first thing that stands out about Debris #1 is the contrast in styles between the cover and the inside of the book. The cover is really intense with this meta, spiritual, robotic feel to it with dark colors. Then you open the book and get to the first page and it has these rich blue colors. Owen Gieni colors a gorgeous book but I’m not sure these colors scream post-apocalyptic garbage planet. With that said I love Gieni’s use of rich bright colors at night and dark reds during the battle scene.
This issue is the setup for the rest of the series; you discover your hero and her cause. Writing for comic books is tough because you want to hook your reader with the first issue but you don’t want to give too story much away. With Debris #1 Kurtis J. Wiebe could have given the reader more substance about the main character to help the reader bond with the story, or he should have ended the book with a cliffhanger to make the reader need to read the second issue. I left the issue needing another issue to decide whether I liked it or not. You can tell Wiebe has a story to tell because there is an attention to detail. Every monster has a specific name and roll. I’m sure Wiebe knows how to fix the plumbing in Maya’s town as well.
The artist Riley Rossmo works well with Wiebe, the story and action flow well together. Rossmo has a slight anime style that lends well to the emotion and action scenes. Rossmo does have a rough style that could use some cleanup in the inking stage but that is more of a personal preference.
What is most impressive is all the science fiction books coming from Image Comics. Comic book fans need to give Image credit for taking chances with new creative content. If you like the post-apocalyptic genre pick up Debris #1 and enjoy Wiebe and Rossmo’s interpretation of the future.
After an introductory issue that created the set up for 616 Peter Parker arriving in the Ultimate Universe we finally learn that 616 Mysterio is behind everything. Issue 3 starts with Mysterio on the attack as his Avatar convince bot Peter and Miles that every Spider Villain has come t destroy them. Its a fun and intense battle that continues to show case both Spidermen extremely well. Brian Michael Bendis also continues to do a great job separating Miles and Peter from one another giving them their own voice as the fight everyone from Carnage to Miles Uncle this issue.
Peter has seen Mysterio do this type of thing before and distracts Mysterio long enough for Miles to put the hurt on Mysterio’s Avatar which backfires and knocks our 2 heroes out long enough for Mysterio to make his escape.
Sara Pichelli’s art continues to be one of the biggest selling points. She is just as important to the story. Giving both Miles and Peter their own signature moves. The action never feels choppy or out-of-place and it never once feels odd seeing Villains from Marvel’s 616 world next to their Ultimate counterparts. Their were several moments where I just stared at her pages in awe at the level of detail she packs into each panel. Sara’s always been able to draw a great action scene but its the closing pages that really surprised me. Pichelli captures emotion is such a great way that you cant help but match the same look she gives to Peter at the end of this issue.
Miles and Peter battle Mysterio in the earlier pages of Spidermen #3
Miles is woken up by The Ultimates after the fight but Peter is no where to be found. All of this leads up to the final pages I spoke of earlier. I must say that any Spidey fan is going to be shocked at the ending of this issue. I know I was legitimately saddened. I also cant wait to read the next issue to see how this all plays out for Peter.
Event books are a necessary evil in the comic world. I have to say I’m extremely impressed at the high level of quality being brought to this series. It does exactly what an event book is supposed to do. After reading this series I’m genuinely interested more now in both characters then i was prior to reading Spidermen. Also this Event Book seems to have implications that will last for both Peter and Miles in futures issues of their respective books. If you haven’t picked up this book yet give it a try its only five issues long and has done a great job so far convincing me that the Marvel world is big enough for two Spidermen.
Monday night Image Comics released a six-page preview of Gatecrashers Vol. 1 trade paper back written by Mark Waid & Jimmy Palmiotti with illustrations by Amanda Conner & Jimmy Palmiotti. Palmiotti and friends crash the gate of local comic book store again on July 25th, 2012.
Unbeknownst to the human race, a great and terrible evil threatens to engulf the earth.’ college freshman Alec Wagner as the ‘Gatecrasher,’ a somewhat reluctant member of a covert brigade of warriors dedicated to protecting Earth. As sole possessor of the ability to predict the opening of inter-dimensional gates, Alec assumes nearly overwhelming responsibility for his team, conducting the Split-Second Squad against alien invaders. However, battling aliens is not the only thing on Alec’s mind. While juggling college and inter-dimensional combat, Alec also has high prospects for his social life, if he could ever show up on time for a date! Collects Black Bull Media’s GATECRASHER #1-4.
Punk Rock Jesus is a book that’s extremely ambitious but never falters under the weight of any of its huge concepts. It blows away any expectations you may have and in place creates a fully realized world along with characters that are well-rounded and are fully realized already by the end of issue one.
Sean Murphy starts the issue off in the past explaining the story of one of the main characters and quickly then drops you into the center of a future that seems all too likely today. In our current society where Reality Television is still getting watched by millions of people and Snooki and The Kardashians are seen as celebrities Sean Murphy’s take on the future hits very close to home.
In this world scientist’s have managed to recreate Jesus Christ through the miracle of cloning. They try out tons of Virgin women to carry the child through the same process as American Idol and with their choice made start filming the pregnancy and eventual second coming of Jesus. I know that sounds like a crazy and ridiculous concept but in the hand of Sean Murphy it becomes a very complex and intelligent opportunity to tell a greater story. Murphy approaches his story from every possible angle. You will see the political and religious aspects played out as well as what happens when a corporation and TV Studio fund a project such as this.
Sean Murphy’s artwork had always been amazing. However his art here feel so fresh and unique. The pages are all in black and white and are printed on non glossy pulp paper. His layouts are extremely detailed and the city and world he’s created are believable because of his work. Characters all look unique and varied, and he experiments with several different styles and shading techniques throughout the book. Simply put its beautiful stuff.
Sean Murphy’s amazing artwork in Punk Rock Jesus #1
I went into Punk Rock Jesus with no expectations. I knew nothing about the story or script. After reading issue #1 I have to say I’m blown away with what I’ve read so far. The books full of nice twists and turns and already has a strong stable of characters that you care for and identify with. Vertigo was always considered a company that produced unique and amazing books. I think that’s something they put to the wayside over the last few years but with the arrival of this book I can safely say that’s the case again. I strongly believe this has the makings to be a cult hit if not the next “Big Thing” for movie studios to bid over getting the rights to. Run out buy this book and happily read it and wait for the next issue. I know I sound completely in love with this book and it’s because I am but don’t blame me, blame Sean Murphy for setting the bar so damn high with this first issue that I had no choice but to fall in love with it.
Dan Slott mentioned at Comic Con International that Amazing spider-Man #700 is the biggest thing that he has worked on in his career and that what happens in the issue would polarize audiences. Killing MJ is the biggest thing that people over at the Comic Vault could come up with. What do you think?
Below is the cover Amazing Spider-Man #700 by French artist Mr Garcin.
Lollipop Chainsaw is an action hack and slash video game developed by Grasshopper Manufacture for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 video game consoles, released on June 12, 2012. It features Juliet Starling, a cheerleader zombie hunter fighting zombies in a fictional San Romero high school. A collaboration between game designer Goichi Suda and filmmaker James Gunn, the game was published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. Lollipop Chainsaw features Juliet Starling as a part-time chainsaw wielding zombie slayer, full-time cheerleader who is attempting to hold back the hordes of undead, and get the body of her boyfriend, Nick, back.
Well, that was an unexpected ending for Saga #5. Brian K. Vaughan continues to give the reader first-page head scratchers and last past cliffhangers. Issue five brings all three storylines together to a climactic end. In this issue, there is a sense of love for each character and the reader realizes why Marko took a vow of peace and that Alana might be crazy.
I can’t tell if this issue fell flat because all three storylines are crammed into one issue, or I’m just craving “Saga” Chapter Six. Vaughan does a great job creating three intense emotional moments in the issue. To where you bond with the characters and start to feel bad about the situations they are forced to be in. Alana and Marko are the main characters and you will always be on their side. Then there is Will, the Han Solo assassin with a heart. Vaughan even tries to soften up Prince Robot IV, but he still comes off like an elitist with daddy issues.
The first and last pages by Fiona Staples are brilliant. Staples does struggle at times matching up the emotion of the dialogue with her artwork. Then she gives you four pages of sword swing action that is very fluid and detailed. There is one panel of action in this issue that I swear it moves as you read it from left to right. That panel alone is worth the $2.99.
Issue: Saga #5 Writer: Brian K Vaughan Pencils: Fiona Staples Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: 7/18/2012
Mature Readers
The smash hit ongoing series from Brian K. Vaughan, and Fiona Staples continues, as Prince Robot IV’s hunt for Hazel and her parents takes a deadly turn.
For those of you wondering to yourselves “Where the hell is the Super Awesome Special Edition of Avengers?” Here’s your answer. This could be the coolest Box Set I’ve ever seen. Though its going to set you back well over $150 now it looks to have everything you could ever want from the Marvel Cinematic world. You can pre-order the set on Amazon Here . You get IRON MAN 1 & 2 , INCREDIBLE HULK, THOR, CAPTAIN AMERICA, THE AVENGERS and an Extra Disc called SHIELD AVENGERS INITIATIVE. You also get Level Seven files, and SHIELD profiles on each AVENGER. The best part however is that it’s all packaged inside of Nick Fury’s Briefcase that contained the Tesseract! Also each disc will have original Cover artwork done by Matthew Ferguson. Check out the images below and geek out over the amazing Artwork!!
This is seriously the coolest thing I’ve seen in a while. Bravo to Marvel and Disney for creating something else for fanatics to blow their money on. Now someone get this for me my birthday is September 18th …thanks.
Issue:Walking Dead #100 Writer: Robert Kirkman Pencils: Charlie Adlard Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: 7/11/2012
Mature Readers
‘SOMETHING TO FEAR’ CONTINUES! This extra-sized chapter contains one of the darkest moments in Rick Grimes’ life, and one of the most violent and brutal things to happen within the pages of this series. 100 issues later, this series remains just as relentless as the debut issue. Do not miss the monumental 100th issue of THE WALKING DEAD!
Story: 9/10 • Artwork: 9/10 • Overall 9/10
Curse words is all that is pouring out of my mouth after reading issue 100 of Walking Dead written by Robert Kirkman. As a reader of Walking Dead you knew that something bad was going to happen in this issue but you continued to read. Walking Dead readers are like NASCAR fans just waiting for the accidents. Evil happens in 100 and her name is Lucille. Kirkman sucks you in with his writing and build up and then he stomps on your heart over and over. This issue sends the series in a new direction with a new threat and a new philosophy on how to survive in the Walking Dead world.
This issue had 18-pages of build up and I mean tension. It’s what Kirkman does best. The book got to the point to where I just wanted to jump to the last page to get it over with, but I read on. Then when Kirkman smacks the reader in the face with the punchline he drags it out to bring you to tears. This book is well written but I wish I didn’t read it.
I do not know how Charlie Adlard sleeps at night. There are several splash pages in this book that will haunt me for a long time. I have the image of Rick’s wife and child’s death still burned into my memory. Walking Dead #100 has added a few more images to the horror category of my memory. The images and dialogue of the last four-pages of book left my soul shattered. Thank you Mr. Kirkman for ruining the first day of Comic-Con. Read Walking Dead #100 at your own risk!