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Punk Rock Jesus #5 : WWPRJD?

Punk Rock Jesus #5

Story and Art By: Scott Murphy

This issue picks up right where last issue left off. No jumping into the future this time just further escalation of a Chris’s Anarchist belief. After our Punk Rock Jesus declared that “God Hates You” publicly Thomas is in pursuit of Chris trying to  find him before J2 and The New American Christians do. If that sounds like a lot of plots it is but Scott Murphy manages to pull everything together very well.

His use of the media and how it relates to Chris aka Jesus Christ is smart and  it progresses the plot by having Chris answer questions about where his loyalties lie. Using the media now as his protection he is building an army of Secularists. At the core of this issue is ultimately Thomas coming to grips with Chris’s further lack of belief in god and himself as the second coming of Christ. Since issue one I’ve seen these two characters come full circle and there’s some truly heart breaking dialogue shared between the two. You get a sense that things aren’t going to get any easier in the last issue for either of them.

Throw in a few well choreographed action sequences and back story about Thomas’s history that helps drive his convictions and decisions this issue and you have a very solid issue of an amazing book. All of this drawn with amazing detail and love by Sean Murphy. This issue ends on a quiet note hinting at an all out war and amazing finish to Punk Rock Jesus. Punk Rock Jesus continues to be one of the most refreshing and creative comics I’ve read in years. Seek this book out you will not be disappointed.

Review Score: 9.5/10

Mike DeVivo

Follow me on Twitter @pandasandrobots

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Review: Amazing Spider-Man #697 – War of the Goblins Concludes!

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Amazing Spider-Man #697
Writers: Dan Slott and Christos Gage
Art: Giuseppe Camuncoli [Pencils], Dan Green [Inks], and Antonio Fabela [Colors]

Opening where the last issue left off, Amazing Spider-Man #697 has Peter Parker and Horizon Labs owner Max Modell on the run from both the original Hobgoblin (Roderick Kingsley) and his would-be replacement, Phil Urich–who are also fighting one another.  If you recall, Max helped Peter escape from the Kingpin’s HQ in Hell’s Kitchen while stealing the “Goblin Key” in the process, and was even nice enough to bring him a couple of Spider-Man’s webshooters from his lab. (Remember, Max doesn’t know Pete is Spider-Man.  He only knows that Pete develops Spider-Man’s gadgets and weaponry.)

While running, it’s revealed that Max is wearing a force field that he still has in development and that OG Hobgoblin has a back-up plan in case Philgoblin tries to attack him–a batdrone loaded with C-4 and following Daily Bugle reporter Norah Winters.  The Goblin Key, which opens Norman Osborn’s main Green Goblin cache, begins to ping, alerting Peter and Max that they aren’t far from its location.  Ending up there, they lock themselves inside and try to develop a plan to save themselves from the two Hobgoblins.

This was another expertly crafted issue from Dan Slott and Christos Gage.  It had fast-paced, edge-of-your-seat action and gave the feeling that there was legitimate danger for characters like Max and Norah, who Dan Slott has really given readers a reason to care about during his run on the series.  We also get to catch up with Harry Osborn, who hasn’t been seen in about 50 issues and is now laying low in Seattle with a totally different look, and Roderick Kingsley’s character is expanded upon in a way that totally makes sense.  The two writers also continue to pave the way for December’s Amazing Spider-Man #700 (which I’m really unhappy is the last issue in the series just so a new series with a new #1 can be launched), planting more seeds with the rogue Octobot last seen at the end of this year’s “Ends of the Earth” storyline and the awakening from coma of… Well, you’ll have to read the issue for that, because it’s a big spoiler that’s bound to play into that monumental anniversary issue.

As for the art, Giuseppe Camuncoli and Co. remain on par with the first two parts of this story, delivering work that (and I’m not stretching the truth at all when I say this) reminds me at times of John Romita Sr.’s classic run on the book.  I’m not saying it’s the same, but the influence is very much noticeable and definitely a good thing.

Amazing Spider-Man #697 and the two issues before it are undeniably must-reads.


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Tales From the Water Cooler #89

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Welcome to Tales From the Water Cooler!

This week the Clergyman is back while the Sensation is still lost in Rotworld. Listen in as the guys do some horror comic trivia and take a look at Amazing Spider-Man #696, I Vampire #13, A-Babies Vs. X-Babies #1 and Bedlam #1.

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Tales from the Water Cooler: Episode #89

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Review: Amazing Spider-Man #696 – Battle of the Hobgoblins!

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Amazing Spider-Man #696
Writers:  Dan Slott & Christos Gage
Art:  Giuseppe Camuncoli [Pencils], Dan Green [Inks], and Antonio Fabela [Colors]

When the original Hobgoblin, Roderick Kingsley, was shown alive and well in South America, it was inevitable that he would eventually return to the scene to take on his successor/impostor Phil Urich–especially once Kingsley was shown arriving back in New York City.

At the end of the last issue, Philgoblin had kidnapped Peter Parker, who was distracted by the spider sense jammers placed around the city by Urich’s employer, the Kingpin, and the fat guy’s mole at Horizon Labs, Tiberius Stone.  Meanwhile, Julia Carpenter, the current Madame Web, went into convulsions in the port authority bus terminal and tried to warn Peter about her psychic visions one last time before going into a coma, which is where we catch up with her at the beginning of this issue before things pan over to Kingpin’s headquarters in Shadowland/Hell’s Kitchen.

Kingpin and Philgoblin make an ultimatum with Parker–he lives if Spider-Man delivers the briefcase he took from Philgoblin at the beginning of the previous issue.  Peter tells the two that he has no way of contacting Spider-Man because he does so via Spider-Man’s spider sense, and the spider sense jammers are currently blocking that.  Philgoblin then decides they’d be better off e-mailing a hostage video to Max Modell, owner of Horizon Labs and Peter’s boss, who then delivers the briefcase himself–which we find out holds the key that unlocks Norman Osborn’s largest cache, containing everything from his Goblin tech to the secrets he amassed as the Iron Patriot when he was in charge of the H.A.M.M.E.R. national security agency and the Dark Avengers.

While this is going on, we find out that the real Hobgoblin is doing his research on Philgoblin and knows that he’s obsessed with Daily Bugle reporter Norah Winters and that his uncle is reporter and longtime Spider-Man supporting cast member Ben Urich.  He shows up and conveniently distracts Kingpin, Philgoblin, and the dozens of Kingpin’s Hand ninja henchmen, allowing Peter and Max a window of opportunity to escape, but not before Peter finds a way to destroy the central transmitter for the spider sense jammers and snatches the “Goblin Key” from Kingpin’s possession.

Overall, this was a great second part to the “Danger Zone” story arc.  The Hobgoblin battle was a given from the moment Kinglsey returned, and it was played out very well. Dan Slott and Christos Gage also do a great job here of once again hammering home the idea that Phil Urich is a “dark reflection” of Peter Parker by drawing parallels to his “Uncle Ben” Urich and Norah Winters’ potential Gwen Stacy-esque fate.  There’s a lot stuffed in this issue, and a lot of questions are raised–particularly as to whether or not various people are connecting the dots when it comes to Pete’s secret identity.  The art here is also fantastic, though there are a couple of weird panels on the third page that have a lot of random black dots (all over the background on the second panel, and all over Philgoblin on the fifth).

Regardless, this issue maintains a fast, action-packed pace and ends on yet another cliffhanger.  I can’t wait to see what happens next, and isn’t that the way all comics in the superhero genre should be?


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Tales From the Water Cooler #87

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Welcome to Tales From the Water Cooler!

This week the Sensation is lost in Rotworld as Decap and Speech take a look at Transfusion #1, Archer and Armstrong #3, Point of Impact #1 and Uncanny Avengers #1.

This weeks Kickstarter of the week can be found at: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/thewebcomicfactory/post-apocalyptic-nick-end-of-the-world-edition

This weeks Indie Go GO of the week can be found at: http://en.indiegogo.com/JOEFRANKENSTEIN?a=1594288

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Tales from the Water Cooler: Episode #87

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Tales From the Water Cooler #86

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Welcome to Tales From the Water Cooler!

Join Infinite Speech, Decapitated Dan, and the Southern Sensation each week as they gather around the water cooler of stories to talk about comics.

This week the Clergyman is back as the guys tackle some Super Hero Trivia and then take a look at Stormwatch #13, Aesops Ark #3, Daredevil: End of Days #1 and Amazing Spider-Man #695.

This weeks Kickstarter of the week can be found at: Chinatown OGN

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Tales from the Water Cooler: Episode #86

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Batman#13 A Clown walks into a Police Station….

Batman #13

Story By: Scott Snyder Backup Story By: Scott Snyder & James Tynion IV

Art By: Greg Capullo & Jock

Its been a year since The Joker has been in any of the Bat Books and Scott Snyder has decided to bring him back in issue 13 of Batman. Following His past Court Of Owls story Arc is no easy task. Death of the Family’s opening issue manages to set the tone and expectation for this book through the roof. This version of The Joker is menacing , frightening and out right horrific.  Snyder manages to go very deep into Joker as a character thanks to his amazing dialogue and writing skills.

The story moves very fast. The feeling I got while reading issue 13 can only be compared to how I feel when I watch Breaking Bad. The tension is constant and builds until the end of the issue. You will feel emotionally invested by the end as Batman, Commissioner Gordan and the rest of the Bat Families fears become yours.

Greg Capullos art continues to amaze me. He’s still playing with  his style and I love his version of Batman now. Everything from his jaw line down to the subtle high lights on his cowl are fluid and perfectly rendered. Capullo has mastered building tension through his panels as well. Often times focusing on some thing iconic without giving everything away. His redesign of the Joker is disturbing and I hope it sticks.

The back up story this issue focuses on Joker and Harley Quinn’s relationship. It does a good job of making Harley a sympathetic character now and its interesting to see what her role will be as the story plays out. I don’t want to give parts of the story away because I want you to enjoy the book the same way I did. There is a specific moment with Gordon and Joker that made me sick to read.

Batman #13 is an amazing start to The Death in the Family arc. The pacing is perfect and Snyder does a great job throwing you right into the madness without showing his cards yet. Comics are supposed to be engaging and fun and I can’t think of  a better DC book to buy this week. If you haven’t been reading Batman now is the time to start.

Review Score 9.5/10

On a side note the cover is one of coolest things I’ve come across in a while. See Below

Batman #13’s cover doubles as a very creepy Mask

Mike DeVivo

Follow me on Twitter @pandasandrobots




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Tales From the Water Cooler #85

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Welcome to Tales From the Water Cooler!

Join Infinite Speech, Decapitated Dan, and the Southern Sensation each week as they gather around the water cooler of stories to talk about comics.

This week the guys tackle some Super Hero Trivia and then take a look at Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow #17, Skullkickers #18 and National Comics Rose and Thorn #1.

This weeks Kickstarter of the week can be found at: www.kickstarter.com/projects/charles-d-moisant/zombie-annihilation-15000-free-hard-copies

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Tales from the Water Cooler: Episode #85

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Review: Amazing Spider-Man #695 – Sick Sense

Amazing Spider-Man #700
Writers:  Dan Slott & Christos Gage
Art:  Giuseppe Camuncoli [Pencils], Dan Green [Inks], Antonio Fabela [Colors]

After spending the better part of nearly two years believing Dan Slott had killed him off, fans can rest assured knowing that the original Hobgoblin, Roderick Kingsley, is back in the pages of Amazing Spider-Man.

And he ain’t happy about the guy who took up his mantle.

The issue starts with Spider-Man interrupting a briefcase heist being committed by current Hobgoblin and Kingpin muscle Phil Urich.  Philgoblin, as we’ll call him from here on out, has a trick up his sleeve, though.  Shady Horizon Labs scientist Tiberius Stone is on an adjacent rooftop ready to activate a spider sense jammer, but the plan backfires and enhances Spider-Man’s senses.  Narrowly escaping, Hobgoblin flies off with Stone in tow, but not before Spidey spots them.

Looking for answers, Spider-Man heads to Horizon as Peter Parker to ask his boss, Max Modell, if he knows where Stone is.  It turns out, however, that Daily Bugle reporter Sally Floyd is at Horizon writing a profile on the tech company, and someone let it slip that Pete “provides technology” to Spider-Man.  Naturally, Pete is instantly concerned that the story might allow people once again being able to put two-and-two together about him being Spider-Man (Dr. Strange–or Mephisto, if you’re still inexplicably angry about “One More Day”–fixed that for him after Civil War by implementing a psychic blind spot).

Heading to the Daily Bugle to try and convince Editor-in-Chief Robbie Robertson to cut that part of the story, he runs into Norah Winters and Phil Urich in the office right as Stone switches on amped-up spider-jammers citywide.  Elsewhere, Madame Web’s psychic powers go into a frenzy and she projects her consciousness out into the city to deliver a message to Pete, right as the jammers are sending his spider sense into a frenzy and distracting him long enough for… Well, you’ll find out if you read the issue.

Dan Slott and Christos Gage craft a perfect beginning to the “Danger Zone” arc, raising questions about Madame Web’s fate and teasing us with a brief page of Roderick Kingsley.  It’s already obvious that there’s an impending Goblin throwdown being set up, but if this is going the direction of once again revealing Pete’s identity to the world at large, one has to wonder what the point of the retcon a few years ago was.  Regardless, this issue’s tone is perfect and, having read The Amazing Spider-Man Omnibus Vol. 2, in the last several months, I frequently found myself comparing it to the Lee/Romita Sr. run–definitely a good thing.  Even Giuseppe Camuncoli, Dan Green, and Antonio Fabela felt more “classic” than what I’m used to seeing.

It’s gonna be a long two weeks waiting for the next issue…


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Tales from the Water Cooler: Episode #84

Monkeys Fighting Robots

Welcome to Tales From the Water Cooler!

Join Infinite Speech, Decapitated Dan, and the Southern Sensation each week as they gather around the water cooler of stories to talk about comics.

This week the guys tackle some Super Hero Trivia and then take a look at Godzilla Half Century War #2, Spider-Men #5 and Daredevil #18.

This weeks Kickstarter of the week can be found at: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/17217803/the-oswald-chronicles-vol-1?ref=category

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Tales from the Water Cooler: Episode #84

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