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Netflix’s “A.K.A. Jessica Jones” Set Photo David Tennant As Kilgrave

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A set photo of David Tennant as Kilgrave for the upcoming Netflix’s A.K.A. Jessica Jones has surfaced on Instagram. The photo was taken five days ago and has since been taken down.

The Purple Man (real name Dr. Zebediah Killgrave) is a fictional character, a Marvel Comics supervillain. Originally a foe of Daredevil, he was introduced in Daredevil vol. 1 #4 (October 1964). In the 2000s he emerged as an enemy of Jessica Jones and her husband Luke Cage. His body produces pheromones which allow him to verbally control the actions of others.

The picture shows Tennant wearing purple pants and jacket, though his skin remains makeup free. It will be interesting to see what Tennant looks like in post production.

A.K.A. Jessica Jones is slated to debut on Netflix in late 2015.


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Scarlet Witch To Appear In Captain America: Civil War

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Kevin Feige the president of Marvel Studios spoke to Badass Digest about what happened to Captain Marvel and non-appearance in Avengers: Age of Ultron. But in Feige’s answer he might have announced another character’s appearance in Captain America: Civil War.

Kevin Feige’s quotes from Badass Digest:
The way we reveal Scarlet Witch [in costume] at the end of the movie? Those were Captain Marvel plate shots. Joss said, ‘We’ll cast her later!’ And I said, ‘Yeah Joss, we’ll cast her later.’ [Whispers to an invisible associate who isn’t Joss] ‘We’re not putting her in there!’

Finally Joss was like ‘Let’s use those plates to let Scarlet Witch fly into frame, give her a big entrance?’ And that makes sense – she’s come to their side, and she deserves the cool intro, which will feed into another movie we start shooting in a few weeks.

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Ben & Jerry’s And New Belgium Brewing To Create Ice Cream-Inspired Beer

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Fort Collins, Colo. — As Fellow B Corporations beholden to stakeholders including the earth, their communities and the environment, New Belgium Brewing and Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream are excited to announce a partnership designed to please palates and raise awareness. Details at this time are preliminary, though New Belgium has developed a special release beer called Salted Caramel Brownie set to hit markets in the fall of 2015. The two like-mined businesses have long championed similar causes such as minimizing carbon pollution and supporting sustainable agriculture. This project will focus on environment awareness as well.

“Although our TTB filing for the beer is now public, specifics around the campaign are still in development,” said New Belgium Director of Sustainability, Jenn Vervier. “At this time I can confirm that Ben & Jerry’s and New Belgium are collaborating to raise awareness around issues we are passionate about, and that the results will be delicious.”

The Colorado-based craft brewer and famed ice cream maker are both registered Beneficial or “B Corporations”. B Corps are held to performance standards that are comprehensive and transparent, measuring a company’s impact on workers, suppliers, communities and the environment. Both organizations have been looking for ways to partner on a project that’s both tasty and meaningful.

“We’re big fans of New Belgium Brewery, their values, and their fun culture, and of course their beer” said Jay Curley, Senior Global Marketing Manager of Ben & Jerry’s. “We’re excited for the campaign we’ve developed together. When two B Corps collaborate our fans can expect something both delicious and impactful,” added Curley.

An announcement later this year will detail the focus of the campaign and the specifics around the partnership.

Source: New Belgium Brewing Media

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The “Joe Dirt 2: Beautiful Loser” Trailer Has Arrived

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Joe Dirt 2 Movie Poster
Joe Dirt 2: Beautiful Loser will premiere on the streaming service Crackle (home to Jerry Seinfeld’s Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee) this summer.

Joe Dirt 2 stars David Spade, Christopher Walken, Brittany Daniel, Dennis Miller, Adam Beach, and, Mark McGrath. Adam Sandler’s Happy Madison is producing the film, while Fred Wolf directs, and Wolf and Spade both produce and write.

Joe Dirt 2

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Bill Sienkiewicz Brings A Level Head To A Comic Book Controversy

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There is a debate going on in the comic book industry and on the internet about how women are depicted and or drawn in comic books. Here is a glimpse of that conversation.

Comic book artist Frank Cho is learning a valuable lesson about internet, don’t poke the internet bear. There isn’t a problem with Cho voicing his opinion or his artwork, and there is no problem with differing opinions voicing their thoughts. The problem lies within the comment threads. What starts out as a calm discourse turns into lowest common denominator mud slinging, and sometimes violent hate speech.

On Sunday, Rob Liefeld tries to right the ship and put the conversation back on course. Guess what happened, the internet bear won in a slaughter.

Then Bill Sienkiewicz get’s tagged in a post on Facebook about the issue, he does not responded immediately but takes the time to craft a message (two and half hours to be precise).

Before the internet bear takes over this conversation; here is a calm, rational ,thought out opinion on the issue at hand.

Sienkiewicz is not condoning or sanctioning blatantly offensive content but he’s not trying to determine what’s right for other people.

“I’ve been foolishly trying to draft a response that won’t piss off at least one group somewhere out there in the electro-ether; a fool’s errand. There are many MANY horrible unjust, unfair and truly obscene things that deserve our collective and absolute outrage– and I’m willing to give the benefit of the doubt that most people know what these things are.

But this– this, not so much.

If Art upsets, or consoles, or outrages, or comforts, or excites, or raises question—then it’s doing its job. And once an artist- of any gender, ethnicity, religion,or any relative persuasion– does the work, and releases it into the vast collective universe, it belongs to the public at large- and is no longer in the control of the artist –often regardless of His/Her/( or LGBT/Androsexual/Trans/Intergender’s/Atheistic/ Devout/Agnostic’s etc) original intent.

We’re in a cross-cultural species-wide crossroads (and I include the four-legged and oceanic denizens of the planet as well, if I’m being inclusive)—where everyone -in this case, every single person who has felt voiceless and silenced and afraid and objectified for so long now feels the heady liberating siren call to express -often explosively- long-repressed needs angers and passions— not only to be seen and heard and respected—but to simply matter.

That- to me- is the bigger issue. It’s not a digression or a ‘beside the point’ or an obfuscation. It’s one of the main challenges—long overdue– for this generation and the next (along with climate change and all that boring reality shite) as we strive to move to higher levels of enlightenment and mutual understandingblahblah —and I can hear it now: many will say that every. single. small. thing. matters. including THIS: how talented artists-(and yes, my friends-) like Frank and J. Scott might be perceived as contributing to the downfall of civilization as we know it—or at least ‘perpetuating harmful stereotypes and gender inequality and sexual objectification’.

But as a white male of dubious ‘privilege'(I am for good or ill– also a Polack…and we all know what society thinks of THEM. You want to hear screams of anguish and anger over decades of stereotyped stupidity?oh you don’t?)— I’m already drafting an apology when I dare to ask all the inflamed and incensed and outraged: ”Jesus h Christ on a stick..I mean..really?!”

Because that just sounds so condescending. It’s like I’m daring to ask for proportional response, or that context be considered or the matter be looked at ‘in the grand scheme of things”. That sort of crap.

Far be it from me to deny anyone the right to enjoy the hell out of Outrage–Me, I love good outrage. especially justifiable outrage. I could luxuriate in being pissed off at a great many things… But drawings of the female form -(or even male) –ain’t one of them. Sorry. Matter of fact, I rather enjoy them.

So by all means get furious, enjoy the addictive rush of anger and lash out, vomit bile… but maybe think better of it and count to ten before pressing Send.

Or better yet count to twenty.

Even I did that much, and I’m one of THEM,” said Bill Sienkiewicz.

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SPOILERS: The New Batman Identity Leaked Online

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commissioner gordon

The indentity of the new Batman has leaked online and this is the final page from DC Comics Divergence from Free Comic Book Day.

“…Commissioner Gordon?”

“Absolutely not.”

The robo-Batman suit. The shaved head. The shaved moustache. And Gordon in this.

“And I’d like to go on record as saying this is the dumbest idea in the history of Gotham City.”

What is your opinion on the new Batman in town? Do you love it or hate it. The one thing we do know is that DC Comics Convergence will be the hottest book on Free Comic Book Day.

commissioner gordon

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Comic Book Movie Schedule 2015-2020

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Avengers: Age of Ultron is just the beginning, as the next five years have 28 films coming from Marvel and DC Comics. Oh, did we forget Netflix and the 13-hour films that they are producing… that would add four more titles.

May 1: Avengers: Age of Ultron
July 17: Ant-Man
August 7: Fantastic Four (Fox)
No Date: Marvel’s A.K.A. Jessica Jones (Netflix)

February 12: Deadpool (Fox)
March 25: Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice
May 6: Captain America: Civil War
May 27: X-Men: Apocalypse (Fox)
August 5: Suicide Squad
October 7: Gambit
November 4: Doctor Strange
No Date: Marvel’s Luke Cage
No Date: Marvel’s Iron Fist

March 3: Untitled Wolverine sequel (Fox)
May 5: Guardians of the Galaxy 2
June 2: Fantastic Four 2 (Fox)
June 23: Wonder Woman
July 28: Marvel Studios co-produced Spider-Man film (Sony)
November 3: Thor: Ragnarok
November 17: Justice League, Part 1
No Date: Marvel’s The Defenders

March 23: The Flash
May 4: Avengers: Infinity War, Part 1
July 6: Black Panther
July 13: Untitled Fox Mystery Marvel film
July 27: Aquaman
November 2: Captain Marvel

April 5: Shazam
May 3: Avengers: Infinity War, Part 2
June 14: Justice League, Part 2
July 12, 2019: Inhumans

April 3: Cyborg
June 19: Green Lantern

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Avengers Family Feud On Jimmy Kimmel Live

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Let the Captain America: Civil War jokes begin!

Jimmy Kimmel hosts a game of Family Feud with Avengers cast members Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson and Jeremy Renner last night on Jimmy Kimmel Live.

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Push For Beer, The App That Rewards Students With Free Beer

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Designed by students at the University of San Diego, Push For Beer launched on March 19th and allows smartphone users to play games in return for free beer at local bars.

Developed by Nathan Resnick and Albert Frimpong, the app targets college students in the San Diego area with three student bars in the area so far agreeing to hand out free beer.

“So far the response has been incredible, and the retention in the app is insane,” Resnick told UT San Digeo. “When they start playing, they don’t stop until they win a free beer.”

For more on this story visit: Lauren Eads, The Drinks Business

At the time of the post 43,320 games have been played on Push For Beer since March 22, 2015.

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Netflix’s Daredevil Review, Episode 13 – Daredevil

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Netflix’s newest original series, “Daredevil” debuted April 10, with all 13 episodes of the Marvel Comic adaptation’s first season available on the streaming service. Ed Carroll will review each episode here on Monkeys Fighting Robots without fear and let you know if the latest entry into the Marvel Cinematic Universe meets the lofty standards of its predecessors. There are more Daredevil review links at the bottom of the post.

I’m going to do a full season review later this week, so this review will focus on Daredevil‘s season finale, “Daredevil,” which felt a tad anti-climactic up until the final 20 minutes or so. We saw Ben’s funeral, which was a major bummer, and then we did get a pretty eventful finale. But after what we’ve seen in previous episodes, it didn’t feel like enough. Until Fisk actually got arrested, which I’ll get to later.

I’m honestly surprising Leland had lasted this long, as was in nearly every episode this season, and had become openly antagonistic in recent episodes. I guess he thought he covered his bases by swooping up Hoffman and keeping Fisk in the dark, but Leland, you’ve SEEN Fisk beat people to near-death, probably not a smart idea to confess your attempted assassination to a guy like this. I’m fairly certain he was supposed to be dead after Fisk threw him down the elevator shaft.

Foggy and Matt (finally) buried the hatchet, and Marci had come through with a ton of evidence from her firm, which set off an all-night search session. Thankfully, Murdock was able to back up some of the research and get a lead on Hoffman’s whereabouts, saving him right before Fisk’s crooked cops got to him. I honestly wasn’t expecting Hoffman to come back in such an impactful way, but Hoffman’s testimony really set off the arrests  of people on Fisk’s payroll – Turk, some of the dirty police officers we had seen before, a senator, and finally Fisk himself. The only real intrigue of this scene was the woman the FBI took away instead of editor Ellison, who had all but confessed to being in on the cut, too. Was he not really, or did he find a way to shift the blame. Fisk also got engaged to the delightfully creepy Vanessa before he was arrested too. They’re such a power couple.

But this episode really picked up once Fisk began his pretty elaborate escape, and he just looked invincible at that point. Murdock went to see Melvin Potter, who had finished a prototype of his red suit. We got less than 15 minutes of the red suit Daredevil in season one, but boy was it an awesome moment to see him in action. I’m sure some hardcore comics fans will hate the red suit, but it’s way better than the crappy one Ben Affleck wore in the 2003 film.  I thought the eyes looked a little goofy, but other than that, I had no issues with it.

Fisk and Daredevil finally went toe-to-toe at full strength, and it did not disappoint. Fisk uses a lot of sheer brutality, but he’s certainly a worthy opponent for Murdock. While Daredevil prevailed in the end, it was certainly satisfying to finally get the confrontation we all knew was coming. We also finally got the first use of the actual “Daredevil” name, and I’m certainly happy to finally just call him Daredevil.

I can FINALLY post this!
I can FINALLY post this!

I don’t get why Foggy would go back to Marci, but I guess anything between he and Karen is dead. Given Karen and Matt’s hand-holding at the end of the show, I wouldn’t be surprised to see those two moved together, like they were often in the comics.

I feel much more comfortable for the chances of a second season after watching the finale, as Fisk is still in jail (and I’d love to see Vanessa be the one to break him out), Daredevil is still on rooftops fighting crime, and Nelson & Murdock: Attorneys at Law got back together. We probably wouldn’t get a new season until after the Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and Iron Fist shows (and the Defenders mini-series), but hey, better late than never.

I have to admit I was slightly disappointed by this finale, but “Daredevil” absolutely nailed the parts it needed to nail: the red suit reveal and the showdown between Wilson Fisk and Daredevil. I’ll write up a full season Daredevil review later on Monkeys Fighting Robots, but I have to admit I just found this episode closer to the “good” side rather than the “great” side. We still got big payoffs on two storylines, and the show is pretty well-positioned to soar higher next season. But it’s a bit of a shame when your season finale is among your worst episodes, but thankfully Daredevil has already set the bar really high.

Watching Daredevil on Netflix, too? Leave a comment and let us know what you think and feel free to tweet Ed -@EdTheRevelator
You can find his review of episode one here.
Click here for his review of episode two.
Read his thoughts on the jaw-dropping episode three here.
Ed’s review of the fourth episode is here.
Click here for Ed’s review of the explosive fifth episode.
Episode six was dripping with suspense, Ed’s review is here.
A familiar face from the comics debuted in episode seven, read Ed’s thoughts here.
Ed’s thoughts on episode eight are right here.
Ed thought episode nine was another standout, his thoughts are here.
Ed leaned how to turn on subtitles just in time for his review of episode 10 here.
Episode 11 helped prepare characters for the finale, Ed’s review is here.
Here is the link to Ed’s review of episode 12.

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