Although Hayao Miyazaki went into retirement several years ago, the legendary Studio Ghibli co-founder and film director is now working on a new motion picture which has been given an official title. The movie is called Kimitachi wa Do Ikiru ka, which translates to, How Do You Guys Live?, according to The Hollywood Reporter.
Kimitachi wa Do Ikiru ka is based on a book by the same name, published in 1937 and written by Genzaburo Yoshino.
Miyazaki attended the opening of the Natsume Soseki Memorial Museum, and had this to say about the film:
“The film is about how this particular book featured prominently in the protagonist’s life. It will take three to four years to complete the anime.”
Are you looking forward to Miyazaki’s next, and likely last, movie? Which of his previous films is your favorite? Start a conversation in the comments below.