
Featured Reviews

Review: THOSE NOT AFRAID #1 – Men and their Hobbies

From acclaimed writer Kyle Starks (Rick and Morty, Sexcastle) and artist Patrick Piazzalunga comes a bloody, dark buddy comedy following a pair of serial killers in Those Not Afraid #1. Featuring colors by Marko Bracco and lettering from Jim Campbell, this first chapter sets up a suspenseful yet genuinely humorous...

Marvel Comics Exclusive Preview: MAGIK #1

MAGIK #1 hits your local comic book store on January 8th, but thanks to Marvel Comics, Monkeys Fighting Robots has an exclusive five-page preview for you! About the issue: THE MYSTIC MUTANT GOES DEMON HUNTING IN HER OWN NEW, ONGOING SERIES! The X-Man Ilyanna Rasputina strikes out on her own with new...

Exclusive Previews

Review: BATMAN: GARGOYLE OF GOTHAM #3 — Joke’s On You

Batman: Gargoyle of Gotham is finally back after a one year hiatus. This new, highly anticipated issue doesn't disappoint either; it was worth the wait. It comes to us from writer/artist Rafael Grampá, colorists Matheus Lopes and Valentina Napolitano, and letterer John Workman. They bring us a story that isn't...

30 For 30: A Newly 30-Year Old’s Thirty Favorite Comics

Well friends, I've been subjected to a terrifying inevitability: I turn 30 this month. As I mull over the existential dread of aging, I decided to have some fun talking about comics and how they've impacted my life. I looked over my extensive library, picked out the ones that...

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