My Five Pop Culture Wishes For 2018 (From Star Wars To Aquaman)

As the new year approaches, it’s time to turn the page and look ahead at what 2018 has to offer. With reboots and revivals on the horizon, it’s easy to look forward and expect that particular pop culture events break our way. However, there are certain things we can hope for more than others. Here are five wishes that I have for film and television in 2018.

5. Bring Back The Show Happy Endings

pop culture

Happy Endings was perhaps a show ahead of its time. The show originally premiered on April 11, 2011, as a midseason replacement and it quickly developed a cult following. However, during the show’s third season, ABC displayed an unwillingness to give the show a permanent time slot, and that contributed to a decline in viewership. The show was canceled in May of 2013. To this day, fans are lobbying places like Hulu and Netflix to bring the show back. Check out this tweet.


Why not, in this current climate of negativity, bring back something that was positive like the show Happy Endings? If anyone is looking to see what the show is about, the whole series can be found on Hulu.

4. Fans Of The Marvel And DC Cinematic Universe Need To Take A Step Back

Black Panther HD images

Both Marvel and DC have major releases coming out in 2018. Rather than sit around and gripe about whether or not Aquaman is going to be superior to Black Panther, we should celebrate that we live in a world where these movies are being created for the fans. James Wan and Ryan Coogler are fantastic directors which should bode well for both franchises.

3. Fans Should Not Prejudge Solo: A Star Wars Story

Han Solo

While it’s easy to assume that Solo: A Star Wars Story will be a train wreck based on the production changing directors right in the middle of the shoot, I would caution everyone to stop and think. Ron Howard isn’t just any director and certainly has the talent to pull everything together. If I’m wrong then my review will reflect this, but rather than sound the alarm, give this release the same shot as anything else.

2. Avengers: Infinity War And A Wrinkle In Time Have To Live Up To Their Lofty Expectations

Watch The 'Avengers: Infinity War' Trailer; Your Head Might Explode

Joe and Anthony Russo have the weight of Marvel’s Cinematic Universe resting on their shoulders. Avengers: Infinity War is the moment fans have been waiting for the last ten years. We’ve all known that it was going to lead to this and nothing positive will come with the Russo’s next two projects being disasters. The same could be said about A Wrinkle In Time. This adaptation of one of the most popular young adult novels ever is directed by Ava DuVernay and has an all-star cast. The fans of this story are rabid, and it will take a fantastic effort to please them.

1. Aquaman Needs To Recieve The Same Type Of Acclaim As Wonder Woman

After The Justice League received lukewarm reviews, Aquaman needs to score well with fans and critics as well. Jason Momoa’s performance was one of the highlights in the film and knowing that he’s in the great hands of James Wan makes me excited for this release. If Aquaman does well, it will set up the rest of the DC universe for years to come.

Do you agree with my pop culture wishes for the new year? Be sure to leave a comment below.

Dewey Singleton - Film Critic
Dewey Singleton - Film Critic
I'm a member of the Broadcast Film Critics Association and have been doing reviews for many years. My views on film are often heard in markets such as Atlanta, Houston, and satellite radio. My wife often tolerates my obsession for all things film related and two sons are at an age now where 'Trolls' is way cooler than dad. Follow me on twitter @mrsingleton.