
Far Sector's focus on character and socio-political issues and phenomenal art continue to be a winning combination.

Review: FAR SECTOR #6 & The Pull of Emotions

Writer N.K. Jemisin and artist Jamal Campbell, with Deron Bennett on letters, bring out the 6th issue of “Far Sector.” This series’ continued focus on the internal struggles of Jo Mullein with a hefty dose of social commentary via sci-fi makes this another stellar chapter. With engaging and tender character moments and a dose of heavy-hitting action, this is yet another excellent issue of one of the best series coming out of DC right now.

“Tensions in the City Enduring are high as the Emotion Exploit-the mandatory genetic tech that strips citizens of their emotions in the name of peace-is up for referendum. But Jo’s attentions are divided when Councilor Marth makes a surprising and distinctly emotional overture…”

Writing & Plot

This issue is heavy with emotional and tender moments for both Green Lantern Jo Mullein and the characters she’s been spending time with on the City Enduring. Following the prior issue’s tragic shooting of civilians by police forces, Mullein is on her own guilt trip for not being able to do enough to stop this. This emotional tone carries through much of the comic and paints her interactions with other characters. The issue escalates from here to some unexpected romance and ends with a plot twist doused in some badass Lantern-on-robot combat action. Pacing and tonal shifts feel tight and natural, and nothing ever feels out of place. Everything from the hard truths to the comedic bits and the romance into the action all feels structured. Events occur, and Mullein is allowed to sit and ponder the consequences so that the reader can absorb everything that has occurred. The longer this story goes, the more engaging it has become. The dialogue and narration have the usual intoxicating flair of naturalism and almost poetic poignancy. At this rate, “Far Sector” will be one of the most well-written comics DC has released in the past decade.


Art Direction

There could never be enough praise for Jamal Campbell‘s artwork on “Far Sector.” His consistently hyper-detailed designs for both characters and environments pull readers into the story instantly. His wide array of vivid colors shine like vaporwave neon in different palettes on every page. The variety in alien and cyborg-like character designs along with the rest of Campbell’s hyper-polished artwork makes for a stunningly gorgeous comic to look at for every issue. It’s the perfect art for a sci-fi series like this is. The letters from Deron Bennett are crisp and range in font sizes for the perfect emphasis on a character’s words. “Far Sector” continues to be a visual marvel from month to month.

The recent events in “Far Sector” have been given a renewed importance in the wake of recent events in our own reality. The establishment’s use of violence to silence the many in need has suddenly become the front and center of headlines once again. This new wave of unrest has made “Far Sector” a comic of considerable topical importance at this moment, with N.K. Jemisin and Jamal Campbell being commentators as well as storytellers. This is what good science fiction is though, isn’t it? “Far Sector” is a fantastically executed addition to the tradition of social commentary via sci-fi. If this comic can stay this consistent through the latter half of its 12-issue run then it will surely be one of the most easily recommendable titles not just out of DC, but in written fiction from these past few years. Pick up “Far Sector” #6 from your local comic shop on 6/2!


Justin Munday
Justin Munday
Reader and hoarder of comics. Quietly sipping coffee, reading, and watching sci-fi in Knoxville, TN.
Far Sector's focus on character and socio-political issues and phenomenal art continue to be a winning combination.Review: FAR SECTOR #6 & The Pull of Emotions