Monkeys Fighting Robots

The technology thriller series BLACK MIRROR returned for a fourth season this Friday. While it didn’t make our list of top “geeky” television shows of 2017, it had some solid moments this season. Rather than drop individual reviews for each standalone episodes, we’re going to rank the episodes from worst to best.


1. “Hang the DJ” and “USS Callister”

Hang the DJ does a good job at recapturing the rom-com charms of last year’s “San Junipero.” The chemistry between the two leads feels real, making their relationship struggles compelling. What’s odd is that this episode seems to be in FAVOR of technology, which is usually the opposite of BLACK MIRROR’s subject matter. While “Hang the DJ” isn’t nearly as good as its feel-good predecessor, it is a sweet tale of digital love.

USS Callister, arguably the flagship episode of season four, also wound up being the best. It’s a legitimately entertaining and dark take on the dark side of wish fulfillment. Seeing the transformation from sympathetic nerd to evil space captain is enthralling, as is the performances from his crew of servants. It’s a solid combination of classic sci-fi and darker subject matter. Plus, the cameo at the end really sells it.

Do you agree with this ranking? Which episode did you like best? What’s been your favorite season of BLACK MIRROR?

Jon Barr - TV Editor
Jon Barr is a comedian and TV Phanatic. Yeah, he meant to spell it that way. It's like the Philly Phanatic, like from Philadelphia, because he's from - you get it. He loves good TV & mocking bad TV. You can find him all over the web.