THE MAGNIFICENT MS. MARVEL #16, available today from Marvel Comics is a tale that goes hand and hand with Champions #2. The effects of Outlawed are still going strong, with Kamala’s Law gaining more traction and power.

The events of The Magnificent Ms. Marvel #16 are deeply ingrained in the events of Outlawed and Champions. Kamala’s entire world has been rocked, first with her injury, next with the creation of a law using her name, and now all of this.
When you put it in that light, everything that has occurred, and will occur, is deeply personal to Ms. Marvel. After all, it’s her mild-mannered alter ego whose name is being used to create all of this change — change that she does not agree with.
It makes for a complex and raw read, as Kamala tries to find a way through this, while staying true to herself. Yet if there is anybody that can do it, it is Kamala Khan.

The Writing
The Magnificent Ms. Marvel #16 is a powerful read, much like the previous issue was (as well as Champions #2, also out today). Written by Saladin Ahmed, this is an issue that tackles both sides.
Amazingly, Kamala’s struggle is still relatable, despite how it sometimes feels larger than life. It just goes to show how personable her character is, and how close to home some of these events truly are. All of which was surely designed with intent.
While Kamala invariably ends up dealing with C.R.A.D.L.E. and their actions, this issue also sticks true to her core as well. There are family problems to be balanced and dealt with, not to mention her friends and their reactions to what has happened.
It makes the issue feel so very…human. Especially when balanced out with a quick moment of humor, and plenty of action (thanks to Amulet for that bit). All of which really was just setting the scene for a cliffhanger of an ending.

The Art
The artwork within The Magnificent Ms. Marvel #16 feels like coming home, in many ways. Yet it also portrays several scenes that have never come across her pages before. It makes for an exciting visual affair.
Minkyu Jung was the lead artist here and is responsible for portraying everything from the massive moments and fights to the little details. The creature Kamala fought looks like something from a legend, and with good reason. Meanwhile, there is plenty of nuances to be found in the expressions and reactions of each and every character shown.
The colors were provided by Ian Herring, who did a fantastic job. A bold use of color really allowed certain scenes to pop, while more muted tones set the scene in other ways. It made for a starkly contrasted issue, yet one that worked well.
VC’s Joe Caramagna’s lettering is absolutely superb in The Magnificent Ms. Marvel #16. You can practically hear the crunches, the sighs, and the turmoil, and that is thanks largely in part to the placement and orientation provided by Caramagna.

The Magnificent Ms. Marvel #16 is an intense and complicated read. Kamala is naturally going through a lot right now, and yet she’s still keeping up the good fight. This issue is made all the better by another appearance from Amulet, and a few other surprises along the way.