BATGIRL #46, available now from DC Comics, concludes the latest plot arc, while leaving fans more concerned than ever about the fate of a beloved heroine.

Batgirl has been doing a brilliant job of holding her own in recent times. Yet the recent cameo from Batwoman is a poignant reminder of Batgirl’s past – and origin. With everything going on in Batman’s series, as well as other events, it forces fans to remember Batgirl’s roots.
Even while she’s actively trying to forge something new for herself here. She’s trying to change her city for the better. Not just focusing on crime, but by helping to create better laws, cleaner initiatives, the works.
She’s also working on her personal life, which is something that too many heroes and vigilantes neglect. When the work gets tough, you need an escape, as well as a support system. That’s a lesson Barbara has learned again and again, and yet sometimes she still struggles to open up.
That brings us to Batgirl #46, ‘Stay Gold’ is a plot arc that brings all of these elements together. Her past, her concerns for the city, her determination to protect others, all of it. The question is, what is she going to learn from the process?

Batgirl #46 was written by Cecil Castellucci, who has been doing an excellent job of creating new events and dilemmas for our heroine to come up against. This issue is just as humanizing as the rest. Reminding fans that even pros in the hero industry need reminders of who they are outside of the costume.
The events that occurred within these pages were tense – as they should always be when many lives are at stake. Honestly though, it’s all of the secondary elements that make this issue shine. Batgirl’s focus on saving people – and trying to make a connection through that unified determination. Her driving passion, her empathy. It’s all laid out clear as day here.
The cameos were a nice touch too, of course. As were the elements surrounding her other life efforts, such as the political fallout from what occurred. That’s to say nothing of the budding relationship that has been hinted at for so long.
All things considered, there’s so much going on within this issue. Castellucci has proven again and again that they can create complex plots, ones that involve more than one plot arc. They have done it again here, with a conclusion that will literally make fans scream.

The artwork behind Batgirl #46 is bold and brilliant. There are many shining points to talk about here, some of them being more literal than others. The action is fast and dramatic, the colors bright, and so much more.
Carmine Di Giandomenico was the lead artist for this issue. They provided a solid support system for this plot. There was something organic yet horrifying about the latest villain, something that you just can’t look away from.
Then there are the colors, provided by Jordie Bellaire. They’re so bright and vibrant. For example, the gold actually does read as just that – in a terrifying molten form, of course. Put against a vivacious blue backdrop, and it’s actually quite stunning. That’s merely one example of the smart designs that occurred within these pages.
Finally, there’s the lettering, provided by Andworld Design. The lettering in this issue is an ideal example of a solid support system. The lettering does exactly what it needed to here, without even thinking about distracting from that luminous artwork.

Batgirl #46 was a surprising issue, no matter how you look at it. Batgirl has once again solved a problem through completely different means, all while showing everything that makes her special. She’s made great progress, especially these last few issues. All of that simply makes the conclusion all the more alarming. It’s going to be a long wait for Batgirl #47.