SPIDER-WOMAN #7, available Wednesday from Marvel Comics, is about to merge the already intense plot of Spider-Woman with the event that is tearing apart the Marvel universe. It’s no surprise that she would get pulled into this mess, when you think about it.

The Knull Invasion is in full force on Earth, something that Jessica Drew and her allies just learned the hard way. Much of what happens in this issue (but not all) is heavily tied in with the vents of The King in Black, and that means this dark plot is about to get just a little bit darker.
Ever since her series started up (again), Jessica Drew has been fighting for her life. Literally. And it’s not just her life, it’s the life of her son, and the niece she never knew she had. She doesn’t exactly have time to get involved with a war. Nor is she in the most stable state, at the moment.
Thus, that is where Spider-Woman #7. She’s facing a war on two fronts (three, if you count the mental state her ‘treatment’ is putting her in). Something’s gotta give, the real question is, what?

The Writing
Spider-Woman #7 is a lot of things. It’s thrilling and intense. It’s humorous (at times), and it’s also heartbreaking. If one thing is certain, it’s that Karla Pacheco wrote in dozens of highs and lows into this particular issue.
It makes sense, given everything that’s going on. We have the main plot, we have the invasion, the best friend drama, and the drama/humor that comes with multiple heroes interacting. In short, it’s a feast for the readers.
While this issue may be hard for some fans to read, it did an excellent job of highlighting everything that is truly going on behind the scenes. The full effects of the cure (if you can call it that), the strain of being a hero, the worry that can eat away at a person. It’s all so painfully clear.
All of that before taking into account the cameos. Those helped to heighten and lighten the scenes, depending on what was needed. It’s a fine balance, but it is one that was found here. Naturally, some characters leaned more towards the funny side of the scale, while others were clearly there for physical (read: battle) backup.
The cliffhanger ending for this issue is perhaps the most intriguing turn of events so far. Once again a classic Spider character has entered the fray, and that just raises even more questions. Only time will tell how that will fallout.

The Art
If you’re looking for an issue full of action and fighting, then Spider-Woman #7 is the issue for you. Pere Perez (art), Frank D’Armata (colors), and VC’s Travis Lanham (letters) did an outstanding job of portraying a variety of scenes and emotions.
To put it bluntly, this issue feels raw. Not in the incomplete sense, but in the sheer amount of emotions, from pain to rage, that cross the pages. It is Spider-Woman like we’ve never seen her before, and you can’t escape what she’s going through.
Bold colors and lines work together to create dynamic scenes, either full of action or those dramatic poses we all know so well. The clever borders helped to enhance the scene as well, while also reminding readers of what is at stake. (Especially those readers who are following along with The King in Black).
Spider-Woman #7 features some of the best lettering of the series thus far. The zaps and hits feel real, while the screeches almost resonate in our eardrums. It all works together to create a sense of scale and chaos.

Spider-Woman #7 is an intense read, right from the very beginning, up until the very end. It makes for a tough read at points, but that just furthers the impact of it all. After all, no story is complete without a little bit of upheaval.
It’s going to be fascinating to see where Jessica’s story leads from here, and if she’ll be involved ever again in the current war tearing it’s way across Earth 616. Only time will tell.