The epic dark comedy series The Brink focuses on a geopolitical crisis and its effect on three disparate, desperate men: Secretary of State Walter Larson (Tim Robbins, Best Supporting Actor Oscar® winner for Mystic River), lowly Foreign Service officer Alex Talbot (Jack Black, Golden Globe nominee for “Bernie”) and ace Navy fighter pilot Zeke Tilson (Pablo Schreiber, HBO’s The Wire®). The series was executive produced by Jerry Weintraub, Roberto Benabib and Jay Roach, who also directed the pilot, and was created by Roberto Benabib and Kim Benabib.
"If you help me save the world, I'll be nicer to your sister."Jack Black, Tim Robbins and the cast of The Brink present their 'Tips for Healthy Relationships.'
Posted by The Brink on Tuesday, June 23, 2015