Twitter Announces 2015 #TwitterFiction Festival

Twitter needs to create content and get more people to use their platform. Twitter has targeted the book nerds and fiction authors to tell and of course retweet their tales in May for the third Twitter Fiction Festival.

Here is the announcement from Twitter‘s blog:
More than 20 featured authors from diverse writing backgrounds, including Margaret Atwood (@MargaretAtwood), Jackie Collins (@jackiejcollins), Lemony Snicket (@DanielHandler), and Chuck Wendig (@ChuckWendig) will participate in this digital storytelling extravaganza, sharing creative works via words, photos and videos. While these authors will be part of the official festival lineup, we encourage all of you storytellers from across the Twitterverse to embrace and explore your own creative fiction during the festival using the hashtag #TwitterFiction.

The Twitter Fiction Festival will also feature Twitter Fiction Fest Live, a live, in-person event that will help bring to life the spirit of the virtual festival. The ticketed event will take place in New York City on Wednesday, May 13, and will showcase authors and original entertainment.


Here is the first round of Featured Authors:

Abigail Tarttelin (@Abigailsbrain)
Anna Todd (@imaginator1dx)
Beth Cato (@BethCato)
Celeste Ng (@pronounced_ing)
Chuck Wendig (@ChuckWendig)
Congressman Steve Israel (@RepSteveIsrael)
Dennis Mahoney (@Giganticide)
Eric Jerome Dickey (@ericjdickey)
Ian Doescher (@iandoescher)
Jackie Collins (@jackiejcollins)
Jeanne Thornton (@Manwhohatesfun)
Jonathan Evinson (@JonathanEvison)
Jojo Moyes (@jojomoyes)
Kathleen Kent (@kathleenkent214)
Katie McGarry (@KatieMcGarry)
Kristan Higgins (@Kristan_Higgins)
Lauren Beukes (@laurenbeukes)
Lemony Snicket (@LemonySnicket)
Liz Egan (@LizEgan)
Margaret Atwood (@MargaretAtwood)
Matthew Dunn (@mattdunnwrites)
Sophie Jordan (@SoVerySophie)

Matthew Sardo
Matthew Sardo
As the founder of Monkeys Fighting Robots, I'm currently training for my next job as an astronaut cowboy. Reformed hockey goon, comic book store owner, video store clerk, an extra in 'Transformers: Dark of the Moon,' 'Welcome Back Freshman,' and for one special day, I was a Ghostbuster.