Time to Get (Moderately) Excited About ‘True Detective Season 3’

After a tumultuous and much-maligned second season, True Detective Season 3 has been bouncing back and forth between sorta happening and not at happening at all. It may have gotten a shot in the arm today, as David Milch and Nic Pizzolatto are moving forward as a team.

Milch, who produced some absolute gold with Deadwood and NYPD Blue… also produced John From Cincinnati. Can’t win ’em all, I guess. And Pizzolatto, who was widely criticized for the bizarro second season (which I support and which I know will appreciate over time. Trust me , here) and who didn’t have his season one directing partner Cary Fukunaga back for round two, has penned the first two episodes of a potential season 3.

I for one would love to see True Detective Season 3 come together. A wonky season two shouldn’t be enough to derail what could be a terrific anthology crime series. It’s unlike anything else on TV when it works, and perhaps in a few years when people will come to the realization that Season 2 was actually good, the whole series will take on a different feel.


Think about The Wire, whose second season was dismissed by fans for the longest time before a reconsideration changed that a little. Now, True Detective Season 2 is a little more batshit crazy, this we know, but stranger things have happened.

The collaboration between Milch and Pizzolatto hasn’t gone beyond early discussions about the series, but it’s more good news about the show than we’ve had in almost two years.

Larry Taylor - Managing Editor
Larry Taylor - Managing Editor
Larry is the managing editor for Monkeys Fighting Robots. The Dalai Lama once told him when he dies he will receive total consciousness. So he's got that going for him... Which is nice.