NOMEN OMEN #4, out this Wednesday from Image Comics is another stunning addition to a series of magic suffused into an otherwise ordinary world. There are unseen things at work in Becky’s life, and that is about to make everything so much more complicated for her.

Thus far, Nomen Omen has been a unique series full of fascinating elements and brilliant artwork. Becky has not had what most people would consider a normal life. She hasn’t exactly had a calm life either, with all the risks to her life and health.
That brings us to the current plot. Something dramatic has been happing to and around Becky as of late. It’s forced to her step outside the realms of comfort, all while trusting a man who is most certainly not mortal.

The Plot
Nomen Omen #4 was a very much appreciated issue, for a variety of reasons. For one thing, readers have finally been handed several answers to questions we’ve been asking since the beginning. There’s something supremely satisfying in that.
Marco B. Bucci did more than simply answer our questions. He wove us a tale of legend, lore, curses, and death. The situation that Becky is in is arguably more dangerous and dire than we originally thought. But it is likewise full of magic and brilliance. Will the two balance one another out?
Where the rest of the series has so far been steeped in a strong sense of mystery, Nomen Omen #4 took on a truly ethereal quality. That’s thanks in part to Becky’s quest for answers (and later, for survival).
That isn’t to say that this issue felt heavier, on the whole. There was actually a decent sense of humor to be found, especially when one is willing to read between the lines. Becky and the people she comes across and delightfully witty and sassy, and that helps to bring the tone back down to earth.

The Art
Nomen Omen has always featured some stunning artwork. It’s dramatic and unafraid to take risks – as evidenced by that unique yet striking color palette. And Nomen Omen #4 does not break that mold.
The artwork in this issue was beautifully, especially when surrounding the two women whom Becky sought after for help and guidance. They were, simply put, stunning. Though both in their own ways.
Jacopo Camagni is the artist responsible for essentially everything but the lettering in regards to the artwork in this issue. They did an excellent job of portraying this series of events. If we’re being honest, the series would not be the same without Camagni at the helm of the artistic side of things.
Fabio Amelia from Arancia Studio was the letterer, and they did an excellent job of working the story visually into the pages. It is subtle and unobtrusive, which is ideal when your eyes desperately want to wander the pages instead.

In Conclusion
Nomen Omen #4 was an issue well worth the wait. We’re finally getting answers, while still being unsure of what will lay ahead in Becky’s path. We do know one thing, and that is the fact that she only has so much time to resolve what has been done. And we’re very much looking forward to seeing it happen.