The Road To WrestleMania: Here Comes The Money

Now that Fastlane and its predictable finish (yes, Roman Reigns won…again) is out of the way, the fun can begin. WrestleMania is fast approaching and the WWE has injected some high-octane fuel headed into the biggest event of the year.


Shane McMahon Returns To The WWE


After 6 years away, having left the WWE in 2010 to pursue other interests, Shane-O-Mac made a stunning return to RAW. Interrupting his father, Vince McMahon, and sister, Stephanie McMahon, Shane stunned his family and a sold out Detroit crowd. Saying what many fans have been feeling, that The Authority is running the WWE into the ground, Shane alluded to having leverage over Vince and wants control of RAW. Vince makes Shane a proposal – one match, one night, Shane wins, he gets what he wants. Not one to back down from a challenge, Shane accepts and Vince McMahon announces what is a marquis match for WrestleMania.

Shane McMahon vs. The Undertaker. Hell In A Cell.

Now anyone who remembers Shane’s matches in the late 90’s and early 00’s knows that a match like that falls right into his wheelhouse. Shane McMahon made his mark with Street Fights, No DQs, weapons matches, and pretty much any sort of match with a high risk potential. In case you don’t remember, an upcoming column will cover Shane’s most dangerous matches and opponents.

Dean Ambrose gets beat down by, and then challenges Brock Lesnar 

Dean Ambrose Brock Lesnar
Dean Ambrose
photo: WWE

Proving that he is nigh indestructible or just plain crazy, Dean Ambrose took a fair amount of abuse at Fastlane, then caught another surprise beatdown right before RAW, and proceeded to ask for more. Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar are unhappy about what happened at Fastlane and lay the blame at the feet of ‘The Lunatic Fringe’. A video posted earlier Monday on WWEs Facebook page showed an upset Lesnar going after Ambrose and planting him into a limo’s windshield. Ambrose would return in an ambulance and challenge Lesnar to a Street Fight at WresteMania.

The (NXT) Divas Get Their Chance

Wrestemana Triple Threat
The Boss, The Lass Kicker, and the Champion
photo: WWE

After a fairly decent match between Sasha Banks and Naomi and some interference from Tamina and Becky Lynch, the current Divas Champion Charlotte would have words for both The Boss and Becky Lynch. Mocking their current alliance and showing off some new merchandise in the form of a new t-shirt, Charlotte would make it clear who the dominant Diva really is and that only one of them would get a shot at the title come WrestleMania. While Charlotte thinks that may be the case, what may actually happen is a Triple Threat for the Divas Title between Charlotte, Sasha Banks, and Becky Lynch, which would be pretty fantastic considering all three just came up to the WWE main roster last summer and will now be headlining the WWEs biggest show of the year.

The COO is gone, only The Game remains

After his friend was beat down, again, by Brock Lesnar, Roman Reigns had to put all that aside to focus on a match with Sheamus while the League Of Nations looked on. Reigns would win via DQ after interference and half a beatdown from Alberto Del Rio and Rusev but Triple H would show up to finish the job. Giving Reigns a beatdown reminiscent of his ‘Cerebral Assassin’ days, HHH would proceed to make Reigns’ head a permanent part of the announce table and then Pedigree him on to the ring steps. What looked to be a ‘just OK’ WWE Championship match now has the potential to be a lot more interesting if the story continues on this visceral path.

WrestleMania will take place on Sunday, April 3 at AT&T Stadium in Dallas, Texas and will be available on the WWE Network or local PPV providers.


Are you excited for Mania? What other matches do you think should be added? Let us know in the comments.





Mat Douglas
Mat Douglas
From Connecticut, that state between New York and Massachusetts, he enjoys well-made cookies, sarcasm, and Liverpool FC.