NOMEN OMEN #9, available Wednesday from Image Comics, continues Becky’s story in the most unsurprising ways. She may have mastered her magic, but her story is not quite complete. After all, she still has to retrieve her heart.
Over the course of Nomen Omen, fans have had the opportunity to watch Becky grow up. To watch her accept this world of magic that she has been thrust into, and learn to make it her own. Yet the story isn’t quite done. There are still six episodes left to this series, and she has yet to retrieve the one thing that was stolen from her (literally), so long ago. Her heart.
The series stands out among the rest that features magic, largely due to two facts. The first, the way magic is portrayed. While most of the series is lacking color, when magic makes an appearance, it infuses that missing color. Making the world seem vibrant and alive once again.
The second fact is the way lore and legend have been woven into the tale. There are times where the story feels almost familiar. And then there are times where it feels alien. The combination is enough to stick into one’s head.
*Please be warned, Nomen Omen #9 has a couple of scenes that some would find upsetting. Much like the last two issues before this one, there are scenes that imply sexual assault and abuse. These scenes always cut away quickly, but they still very much exist.

The Writing
Nomen Omen #9 starts out at a darker point. A harsh reminder of what is happening while Becky takes the time to learn her magic. From there though, it quickly balances into something that feels alarmingly like hope.
The transition is almost jarring, but it also feels intentional. Marco B. Bucci has carefully crafted a narrative that blends the hope and fear into one, courtesy of the two plots running simultaneously.
This issue has several details worth highlighting. The unique combination of magic and technology is perfect, especially when considering the main character. It feels right at home with both sides of her world, as well as providing an opportunity to do something different with magic.
Then there’s a stronger inclusion of fae elements. The otherworldly presence in this issue is strong, and it’s reminiscent of legends revolving around the fae and faerie. Yet as with the magic, there are unique twists to it all.

The Art
The artwork inside Nomen Omen #9 is as bold and unique as the writing itself. As with the rest of the series, there’s this careful balance between the panels devoid of colors, and those bursting with it. It makes it fairly clear when magic is playing a more active role in the series.
Jacopo Camagni is responsible for everything minus the lettering, which was provided by Fabio Amelia (Arancia Studio). All of those brilliant (and sometimes extremely dark) scenes, the bold color choices. Everything.
The theme for this issue was especially lovely, pulling in masquerade and fae elements all in one. It’s beautifully done. The main characters also got a redesign to go with the decor change, and it’s absolutely perfect.
Nomen Omen #9 is a dark issue, yet there is this odd sense of hope at the same time. With Becky getting stronger, it’s only a matter of time before the story comes to a conclusion. Either she wins, and gets her heart back. Or she dies. Currently, it seems as though there is no third option.