[SPOILERS] Here are Some Interesting ‘Star Wars Episode VIII’ Character Descriptions

Making Star Wars, the pinnacle of Star Wars fan sites on the internets, has some new information about two characters from Star Wars Episode VIII, played by Benicio Del Toro and Laura Dern. And they’re pretty cool descriptions.

If you want to go into Star Wars Episode VIII as green as possible, move along. These are spoilers, technically, but they’re also just some cool descriptions of characters we will probably all know about before the movie opens next year.

Here they are:

Benicio del Toro has been described as a classic “man in black.” As in he wears all black and he’s dangerous. His character is clean shaven with hair not unlike Poe Dameron’s in length. While The Wrap let us know he was up for the role of the bad guy in the film sometime ago, it doesn’t appear the heroes see del Toro as a bad guy, at least not at first. We think he’s connected to the casino set we talked about sometime ago. On paper it sounds a little close to Lando Calrissian in The Empire Strikes Back but before you panic, there are some details we’re still working on that make that appear to a bit of a stretch. We’ll have more to report on Episode VIII’s “man in black” in the future.

Laura Dern is probably the most bombastic of the new characters from the rumors we’ve heard. She is very aristocratic and fancy in a way we haven’t really seen in Star Wars before. Her look is unique. Someone compared her design to The Hunger Games-meets-Star Wars. Dern wears a “fancy” dress and her hair is like something out of the prequels. The biggest defining detail of this new character played by Laura Dern is that she has pink hair in Star Wars: Episode VIII. Sources are at a loss for words when they tried to describe her hair which is very ornate, almost like something out of the Outlander Club in Attack of the Clones.


Consider these rumored descriptions as fact, given the source. Also, who else is pumped about the prospect of a casino in the Star Wars universe.

Episode VIII opens December 15, 2017.

Larry Taylor - Managing Editor
Larry Taylor - Managing Editor
Larry is the managing editor for Monkeys Fighting Robots. The Dalai Lama once told him when he dies he will receive total consciousness. So he's got that going for him... Which is nice.