THE MAGNIFICENT MS. MARVEL #17, available Wednesday from Marvel Comics, brings fans back to a world that is being torn apart by a brand new law. Kamala’s Law. The law that allows government agencies go after underage heroes – using Kamala Khan’s name.

Everything that has been happening in Ms. Marvel’s series lately has been directly tied to that one fateful event in Outlawed. While her name may be getting used for the law, it’s pretty clear that Kamala does not agree with what is being done.
That’s not all that much of a surprise. What is a surprise are some of the events that have been happening around her, ever since she woke up. She’s lost friends and allies, and not all of them in a predictable manner. The Magnificent Ms. Marvel #17 is another surprise waiting to be unveiled.

The Writing
The Magnificent Ms. Marvel #17 feels like a merging of the old and the new. As an enemy from Ms. Marvel’s past makes a move – all while she’s still dealing with current events. It’s a surprising move on Saladin Ahmed’s part, but it’s one that worked out well here.
The entirely of Outlawed is a plot that hits home for many Marvel fans, as it feels achingly familiar to previous events in Marvel. Fans aren’t the only ones hurting, as young heroes are forced to make tough decisions.
For Kamala, it was never a question of what side she would take. It’s one of the many reasons why fans have loved her from the start. That nature of hers shines through in this issue, as she deals with problems from two fronts. All while still continuing to try and do the right thing.
That’s Ms. Marvel in a nutshell, really. To think, this issue allowed for a moment of that to shine through, continuing an on-going arc, and introduced a new plot arc all in one. A plot arc that is going to raise many questions, until it is all resolved.
To balance out all of that tension, there are a few comical moments woven into the narrative. Especially earlier on, as Ms. Marvel has found an amazing (and hilarious) way to deal with those that get in her way. It’s not something you’ll want to miss out on.

The Art
Once again, there’s quite a lot going on inside the pages of The Magnificent Ms. Marvel #17. Dozens of characters, several plots, and plenty of raw emotions to go around. Yet the artistic team didn’t seem to have any trouble keeping up.
Minkyu Jung had a chance here to draw Ms. Marvel, Dum Dum Duggan, his agents, and a bunch of zombies – all in one scene. It made for a lot going on, and yet was still highly entertaining. That was only the start of it, as Ms. Marvel used her abilities to their best – as shown by the artwork.
Ian Herring’s colors make everything bright, from the bold backgrounds (sometimes going as vibrant as to be yellow), to the arching blues and purples of electricity. All of it makes for eye-catching panels, especially when Ms. Marvel’s color palette comes into play.
VC’s Joe Caramagna’s lettering is understated when needed. And yet it is so wonderfully graphic at other times. There’s this viscous sensation to the letters, which only amplifies (and horrifies) what is happening all around.

The Magnificent Ms. Marvel #17 had so much going on, and as such it really did feel like it was over in the blink of an eye. It’s impressive to see how much was balanced in one go. All while not feeling rushed or overwhelming. The setup included at the end of this issue is more than enough to keep fans waiting for The Magnificent Ms. Marvel #18.